partation table questions

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Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:55 pm

Re: partation table questions

Postby sdrshnptl » Sat Sep 16, 2023 6:21 am

Hello Fellow members!,
I've a question related partition table and OTA update.
Scenario as follows


Code: Select all

platform = espressif32
board = esp32doit-devkit-v1
framework = arduino
1. A esp-wroom-32 is running in field, which partition is not configured while programming at beginning (unfortunate situation) .
2. Recently I learned that, partition table was crucial after application changed. thus updated platformio.ini as follows

Code: Select all

platform = espressif32
board = esp32doit-devkit-v1
framework = arduino
board_build.partitions = partitions_custom.csv

Code: Select all

# Name,   Type, SubType, Offset,  Size
nvs,      data, nvs,     0x9000,  0x5000
otadata,  data, ota,     0xE000,  0x2000
app0,     app,  ota_0,   0x10000, 0x1A0000
spiffs,   data, spiffs,  0x1BA000,0x41000
My question is, what method I use to update OTA firmware with new partition table?


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