Yes the apps is definitely running for 1.2 seconds. There is app log showing.
Yes, the log output indicates that it is past the bootloader and into the app. I assumed it had to be to do with the bootloader because the address given only appears to be valid for the bootloader, not the app.
addr2line for the app gives:
Code: Select all
E:\Source\wylas\beamatouch>xtensa-esp32s2-elf-addr2line -pfiaC -e build/beamatouch.elf 0x4004c3ee
0x4004c3ee: ?? ??:0
Code: Select all
Build:Oct 25 2019
rst:0x8 (TG1WDT_SYS_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x40334a6f
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x4004c1ec
I (51) boot: ESP-IDF v4.3-dev-1904-gbaef16f9f-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (51) boot: compile time 10:05:26
I (51) boot: chip revision: 0
I (55) boot.esp32s2: SPI Speed : 40MHz
I (60) boot.esp32s2: SPI Mode : DIO
I (64) boot.esp32s2: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
W (69) boot.esp32s2: PRO CPU has been reset by WDT.
W (75) boot.esp32s2: WDT reset info: PRO CPU PC=0x4004c3ee
I (81) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (86) boot: Partition Table:
I (90) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (97) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00005000
I (105) boot: 1 otadata OTA data 01 00 0000e000 00002000
I (112) boot: 2 app0 OTA app 00 10 00010000 001d0000
I (120) boot: 3 app1 OTA app 00 11 001e0000 001d0000
I (127) boot: 4 eeprom Unknown data 01 99 003b0000 00001000
I (135) boot: 5 spiffs Unknown data 01 82 003b1000 0004f000
I (142) boot: End of partition table
I (147) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00010020 vaddr=0x3f000020 size=0x363c4 (222148) map
I (217) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x000463ec vaddr=0x3ffc8c00 size=0x03cac ( 15532) load
I (222) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x0004a0a0 vaddr=0x40024000 size=0x00404 ( 1028) load
0x40024000: _WindowOverflow4 at E:/Dev/Espressif/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:1730
I (224) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x0004a4ac vaddr=0x40024404 size=0x05b6c ( 23404) load
0x40024404: _coredump_iram_start at ??:?
I (241) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00050020 vaddr=0x40080020 size=0xbcc44 (773188) map
0x40080020: _stext at ??:?
I (456) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=0x0010cc6c vaddr=0x40029f70 size=0x0ec88 ( 60552) load
0x40029f70: agc_reg_init at ??:?
I (477) esp_image: segment 6: paddr=0x0011b8fc vaddr=0x40070000 size=0x0002c ( 44) load
0x40070000: _rtc_code_start at ??:?
I (489) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (489) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (500) cache: Instruction cache : size 8KB, 4Ways, cache line size 32Byte
I (501) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
D (554) clk: RTC_SLOW_CLK calibration value: 5213434
I (560) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (560) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000
I (560) cpu_start: Application information:
I (564) cpu_start: Project name: beamatouch
I (569) cpu_start: App version: 6
I (574) cpu_start: Compile time: Jan 8 2021 10:05:12
I (580) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: dd53e6f03cb9a27a...
I (586) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v4.3-dev-1904-gbaef16f9f-dirty
V (593) memory_layout: reserved range is 0x3f0363c4 - 0x3f0363e4
D (599) memory_layout: Checking 4 reserved memory ranges:
D (604) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3ff9e000 - 0x3ff9e02c
D (611) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
D (617) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
D (624) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3ffffa10 - 0x40000000
D (630) memory_layout: Building list of available memory regions:
V (636) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ff9e000 - 0x3ffa0000
V (643) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3ff9e000 - 0x3ffa0000 overlaps reserved 0x3ff9e000 - 0x3ff9e02c
D (652) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ff9e02c - 0x3ffa0000
V (659) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffb6000
V (666) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffb6000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (674) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffb6000 - 0x3ffb8000
V (681) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffb6000 - 0x3ffb8000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (690) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffb8000 - 0x3ffbc000
V (697) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffb8000 - 0x3ffbc000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (705) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffbc000 - 0x3ffc0000
V (712) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffbc000 - 0x3ffc0000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (721) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffc0000 - 0x3ffc4000
V (727) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffc0000 - 0x3ffc4000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (736) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffc4000 - 0x3ffc8000
V (743) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffc4000 - 0x3ffc8000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (752) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffc8000 - 0x3ffcc000
V (758) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3ffc8000 - 0x3ffcc000 overlaps reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (768) memory_layout: End of region 0x3ffc8bf8 - 0x3ffcc000 overlaps reserved 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
V (777) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffcc000 - 0x3ffd0000
V (784) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffcc000 - 0x3ffd0000 inside of reserved 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
V (793) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffd0000 - 0x3ffd4000
V (799) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffd0000 - 0x3ffd4000 inside of reserved 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
V (808) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffd4000 - 0x3ffd8000
V (815) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3ffd4000 - 0x3ffd8000 overlaps reserved 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
D (824) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffd5130 - 0x3ffd8000
V (831) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffd8000 - 0x3ffdc000
D (838) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffd8000 - 0x3ffdc000
V (844) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffdc000 - 0x3ffe0000
D (851) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffdc000 - 0x3ffe0000
V (857) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffe0000 - 0x3ffe4000
D (864) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffe0000 - 0x3ffe4000
V (870) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffe4000 - 0x3ffe8000
D (877) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffe4000 - 0x3ffe8000
V (884) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffe8000 - 0x3ffec000
D (890) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffe8000 - 0x3ffec000
V (897) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffec000 - 0x3fff0000
D (903) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffec000 - 0x3fff0000
V (910) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fff0000 - 0x3fff4000
D (917) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fff0000 - 0x3fff4000
V (923) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fff4000 - 0x3fff8000
D (930) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fff4000 - 0x3fff8000
V (936) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fff8000 - 0x3fffc000
D (943) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fff8000 - 0x3fffc000
V (950) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fffc000 - 0x40000000
V (956) memory_layout: End of region 0x3fffc000 - 0x40000000 overlaps reserved 0x3ffffa10 - 0x40000000
D (966) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fffc000 - 0x3ffffa10
I (972) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
D (980) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3ff9e02c
I (985) heap_init: At 3FF9E02C len 00001FD4 (7 KiB): RTCRAM
D (991) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3ffd5130
I (996) heap_init: At 3FFD5130 len 00026ED0 (155 KiB): DRAM
I (1002) heap_init: At 3FFFC000 len 00003A10 (14 KiB): DRAM
V (1009) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1015) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE
D (1023) intr_alloc: Connected src 49 to int 2 (cpu 0)
D (1029) FLASH_HAL: extra_dummy: 0
V (1032) memspi: raw_chip_id: 164020
V (1035) memspi: chip_id: 204016
V (1039) memspi: raw_chip_id: 164020
V (1043) memspi: chip_id: 204016
D (1046) spi_flash: trying chip: issi
D (1050) spi_flash: trying chip: gd
D (1054) spi_flash: trying chip: mxic
D (1057) spi_flash: trying chip: winbond
D (1061) spi_flash: trying chip: generic
I (1065) spi_flash: detected chip: generic
I (1070) spi_flash: flash io: dio
V (1078) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1080) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE0E
D (1089) intr_alloc: Connected src 73 to int 10 (cpu 0)
D (1094) cpu_start: Setting C++ exception workarounds.
V (1099) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1106) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E
D (1114) intr_alloc: Connected src 28 to int 3 (cpu 0)
I (1119) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
D (1125) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fffc000
V (1125) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1125) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE
D (1125) intr_alloc: Connected src 17 to int 9 (cpu 0)
I (1145) beamatouch_main: Logger initialised
V (1145) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1155) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x2
D (1165) intr_alloc: Connected src 23 to int 12 (cpu 0)
I (1165) gpio: GPIO[36]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1175) gpio: GPIO[34]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1185) gpio: GPIO[35]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1195) gpio: GPIO[21]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1205) gpio: GPIO[33]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1215) gpio: GPIO[26]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
Build:Oct 25 2019
rst:0x8 (TG1WDT_SYS_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x40334a71
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x4004c1ec
I (51) boot: ESP-IDF v4.3-dev-1904-gbaef16f9f-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (51) boot: compile time 10:05:26
I (51) boot: chip revision: 0
I (55) boot.esp32s2: SPI Speed : 40MHz
I (60) boot.esp32s2: SPI Mode : DIO
I (64) boot.esp32s2: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
W (69) boot.esp32s2: PRO CPU has been reset by WDT.
W (75) boot.esp32s2: WDT reset info: PRO CPU PC=0x4004c3ee
I (81) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (86) boot: Partition Table:
I (90) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (97) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00005000
I (105) boot: 1 otadata OTA data 01 00 0000e000 00002000
I (112) boot: 2 app0 OTA app 00 10 00010000 001d0000
I (120) boot: 3 app1 OTA app 00 11 001e0000 001d0000
I (127) boot: 4 eeprom Unknown data 01 99 003b0000 00001000
I (135) boot: 5 spiffs Unknown data 01 82 003b1000 0004f000
I (142) boot: End of partition table
I (147) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00010020 vaddr=0x3f000020 size=0x363c4 (222148) map
I (217) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x000463ec vaddr=0x3ffc8c00 size=0x03cac ( 15532) load
I (222) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x0004a0a0 vaddr=0x40024000 size=0x00404 ( 1028) load
0x40024000: _WindowOverflow4 at E:/Dev/Espressif/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:1730
I (224) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x0004a4ac vaddr=0x40024404 size=0x05b6c ( 23404) load
0x40024404: _coredump_iram_start at ??:?
I (241) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00050020 vaddr=0x40080020 size=0xbcc44 (773188) map
0x40080020: _stext at ??:?
I (456) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=0x0010cc6c vaddr=0x40029f70 size=0x0ec88 ( 60552) load
0x40029f70: agc_reg_init at ??:?
I (477) esp_image: segment 6: paddr=0x0011b8fc vaddr=0x40070000 size=0x0002c ( 44) load
0x40070000: _rtc_code_start at ??:?
I (489) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (489) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (500) cache: Instruction cache : size 8KB, 4Ways, cache line size 32Byte
I (501) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
D (554) clk: RTC_SLOW_CLK calibration value: 5217985
I (560) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (560) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000
I (560) cpu_start: Application information:
I (564) cpu_start: Project name: beamatouch
I (569) cpu_start: App version: 6
I (574) cpu_start: Compile time: Jan 8 2021 10:05:12
I (580) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: dd53e6f03cb9a27a...
I (586) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v4.3-dev-1904-gbaef16f9f-dirty
V (593) memory_layout: reserved range is 0x3f0363c4 - 0x3f0363e4
D (599) memory_layout: Checking 4 reserved memory ranges:
D (604) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3ff9e000 - 0x3ff9e02c
D (611) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
D (617) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
D (624) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3ffffa10 - 0x40000000
D (630) memory_layout: Building list of available memory regions:
V (636) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ff9e000 - 0x3ffa0000
V (643) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3ff9e000 - 0x3ffa0000 overlaps reserved 0x3ff9e000 - 0x3ff9e02c
D (652) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ff9e02c - 0x3ffa0000
V (659) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffb6000
V (666) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffb6000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (674) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffb6000 - 0x3ffb8000
V (681) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffb6000 - 0x3ffb8000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (690) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffb8000 - 0x3ffbc000
V (697) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffb8000 - 0x3ffbc000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (705) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffbc000 - 0x3ffc0000
V (712) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffbc000 - 0x3ffc0000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (721) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffc0000 - 0x3ffc4000
V (727) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffc0000 - 0x3ffc4000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (736) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffc4000 - 0x3ffc8000
V (743) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffc4000 - 0x3ffc8000 inside of reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (752) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffc8000 - 0x3ffcc000
V (758) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3ffc8000 - 0x3ffcc000 overlaps reserved 0x3ffb4000 - 0x3ffc8bf8
V (768) memory_layout: End of region 0x3ffc8bf8 - 0x3ffcc000 overlaps reserved 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
V (777) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffcc000 - 0x3ffd0000
V (784) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffcc000 - 0x3ffd0000 inside of reserved 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
V (793) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffd0000 - 0x3ffd4000
V (799) memory_layout: Region 0x3ffd0000 - 0x3ffd4000 inside of reserved 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
V (808) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffd4000 - 0x3ffd8000
V (815) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3ffd4000 - 0x3ffd8000 overlaps reserved 0x3ffc8c00 - 0x3ffd5130
D (824) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffd5130 - 0x3ffd8000
V (831) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffd8000 - 0x3ffdc000
D (838) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffd8000 - 0x3ffdc000
V (844) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffdc000 - 0x3ffe0000
D (851) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffdc000 - 0x3ffe0000
V (857) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffe0000 - 0x3ffe4000
D (864) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffe0000 - 0x3ffe4000
V (871) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffe4000 - 0x3ffe8000
D (877) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffe4000 - 0x3ffe8000
V (884) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffe8000 - 0x3ffec000
D (890) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffe8000 - 0x3ffec000
V (897) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3ffec000 - 0x3fff0000
D (903) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3ffec000 - 0x3fff0000
V (910) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fff0000 - 0x3fff4000
D (917) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fff0000 - 0x3fff4000
V (923) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fff4000 - 0x3fff8000
D (930) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fff4000 - 0x3fff8000
V (936) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fff8000 - 0x3fffc000
D (943) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fff8000 - 0x3fffc000
V (950) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fffc000 - 0x40000000
V (956) memory_layout: End of region 0x3fffc000 - 0x40000000 overlaps reserved 0x3ffffa10 - 0x40000000
D (966) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fffc000 - 0x3ffffa10
I (972) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
D (980) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3ff9e02c
I (985) heap_init: At 3FF9E02C len 00001FD4 (7 KiB): RTCRAM
D (991) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3ffd5130
I (996) heap_init: At 3FFD5130 len 00026ED0 (155 KiB): DRAM
I (1002) heap_init: At 3FFFC000 len 00003A10 (14 KiB): DRAM
V (1009) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1015) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE
D (1023) intr_alloc: Connected src 49 to int 2 (cpu 0)
D (1029) FLASH_HAL: extra_dummy: 0
V (1032) memspi: raw_chip_id: 164020
V (1035) memspi: chip_id: 204016
V (1039) memspi: raw_chip_id: 164020
V (1043) memspi: chip_id: 204016
D (1046) spi_flash: trying chip: issi
D (1050) spi_flash: trying chip: gd
D (1054) spi_flash: trying chip: mxic
D (1057) spi_flash: trying chip: winbond
D (1061) spi_flash: trying chip: generic
I (1065) spi_flash: detected chip: generic
I (1070) spi_flash: flash io: dio
V (1078) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1080) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE0E
D (1089) intr_alloc: Connected src 73 to int 10 (cpu 0)
D (1094) cpu_start: Setting C++ exception workarounds.
V (1099) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1106) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E
D (1114) intr_alloc: Connected src 28 to int 3 (cpu 0)
I (1119) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
D (1125) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fffc000
V (1125) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1125) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE
D (1125) intr_alloc: Connected src 17 to int 9 (cpu 0)
I (1145) beamatouch_main: Logger initialised
V (1145) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (1155) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x2
D (1165) intr_alloc: Connected src 23 to int 12 (cpu 0)
I (1165) gpio: GPIO[36]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1175) gpio: GPIO[34]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1185) gpio: GPIO[35]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1195) gpio: GPIO[21]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1205) gpio: GPIO[33]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (1215) gpio: GPIO[26]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
Build:Oct 25 2019
rst:0x8 (TG1WDT_SYS_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x40334a6d
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x4004c1ec
I (51) boot: ESP-IDF v4.3-dev-1904-gbaef16f9f-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (51) boot: compile time 10:05:26
I (51) boot: chip revision: 0
I (55) boot.esp32s2: SPI Speed : 40MHz
I (60) boot.esp32s2: SPI Mode : DIO
I (64) boot.esp32s2: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
W (69) boot.esp32s2: PRO CPU has been reset by WDT.
W (75) boot.esp32s2: WDT reset info: PRO CPU PC=0x4004c3ee
I (81) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (86) boot: Partition Table:
I (90) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (97) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00005000
I (105) boot: 1 otadata OTA data 01 00 0000e000 00002000
I (112) boot: 2 app0 OTA app 00 10 00010000 001d0000
I (120) boot: 3 app1 OTA app 00 11 001e0000 001d0000
I (127) boot: 4 eeprom Unknown data 01 99 003b0000 00001000
I (135) boot: 5 spiffs Unknown data 01 82 003b1000 0004f000
I (142) boot: End of partition table
I (147) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00010020 vaddr=0x3f000020 size=0x363c4 (222148) map
I (217) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x000463ec vaddr=0x3ffc8c00 size=0x03cac ( 15532) load
I (222) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x0004a0a0 vaddr=0x40024000 size=0x00404 ( 1028) load
0x40024000: _WindowOverflow4 at E:/Dev/Espressif/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:1730
I (224) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x0004a4ac vaddr=0x40024404 size=0x05b6c ( 23404) load
0x40024404: _coredump_iram_start at ??:?
I (241) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00050020 vaddr=0x40080020 size=0xbcc44 (773188) map
0x40080020: _stext at ??:?
I (456) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=0x0010cc6c vaddr=0x40029f70 size=0x0ec88 ( 60552) load
0x40029f70: agc_reg_init at ??:?
I (477) esp_image: segment 6: paddr=0x0011b8fc vaddr=0x40070000 size=0x0002c ( 44) load
0x40070000: _rtc_code_start at ??:?
I (489) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (489) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (500) cache: Instruction cache : size 8KB, 4Ways, cache line size 32Byte
I (501) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
D (554) clk: RTC_SLOW_CLK calibrat^C
ESP-IDF version is v4.3-dev-1901-g178b122c1 plus the changes I made for issue 6091 and issue 6316
See ... 2020-11-18