Is it possible to use a buffer for more than 64 symbols when using the RMT driver? I saw that It has to be an even number and not too small. But I would really like to have several thousands of symbols.
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E (298) rmt: rmt_rx_register_to_group(143): no free rx channels
E (305) rmt: rmt_new_rx_channel(207): register channel failed
E (311) rmt: rmt_rx_register_event_callbacks(310): invalid argument
E (318) rmt: rmt_enable(176): invalid argument
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static rmt_rx_channel_config_t rx_channel_cfg = {
.resolution_hz = SAMPLE_RES,
.mem_block_symbols = NUM_SYMBOLS,
.gpio_num = RX_GPIO,
.flags.with_dma = 0,
Is this impossible? Is there some lower-level way interface with this peripheral that would make sense in this use-case?
Thanks and have a great day!