Saving WiFi credentials in the EEPROM

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Saving WiFi credentials in the EEPROM

Postby mattia22500 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:33 pm

Hi guys I just got an ESP32 and I was wondering how to save the wifi ssid and password in the EEPROM, so at every boot of the device I don't have to insert it from serial. Just correct me if my concept is wrong.

1) I could save each character of the SSID and PSW in the EEPROM:
SSID = myRouter
EEPROM address 0 -> m
EEPROM address 1 -> y
EEPROM address 2 -> R
but how to define when the SSID is done?

2) Is there a way to do avoiding the EEPROM with AT commands? (I'm a newbie, I don't know what AT commands are or how to use them, I've just heard of them).

Thank you!

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Re: Saving WiFi credentials in the EEPROM

Postby kolban » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:43 am

There is a subsystem in the ESP32 ESP-IDF called "Non Volatile Storage" (NVS) which allows one to save arbitrary data in named locations. Once saved, they can be restored/read on a subsequent boot. This would be the easiest way to explicitly save and subsequently restore values. However, it is my understanding that there is a WiFi API provided by the ESP32 that saves the last used credentials (SSID and password) in flash automatically and will attempt to use them upon next boot.
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Re: Saving WiFi credentials in the EEPROM

Postby mattia22500 » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:52 pm

Thank you! And great job for the documentation!

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Re: Saving WiFi credentials in the EEPROM

Postby GeorgeFlorian1 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:32 pm

kolban wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:43 am
There is a subsystem in the ESP32 ESP-IDF called "Non Volatile Storage" (NVS) which allows one to save arbitrary data in named locations. Once saved, they can be restored/read on a subsequent boot. This would be the easiest way to explicitly save and subsequently restore values. However, it is my understanding that there is a WiFi API provided by the ESP32 that saves the last used credentials (SSID and password) in flash automatically and will attempt to use them upon next boot.
Where can I find the above mentioned "provided" WiFi API ? I am using Arduino IDE and a ESP WROOM 32.

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Re: Saving WiFi credentials in the EEPROM

Postby acsreedharreddy » Fri Feb 22, 2019 6:39 am

kolban wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:43 am
There is a subsystem in the ESP32 ESP-IDF called "Non Volatile Storage" (NVS) which allows one to save arbitrary data in named locations. Once saved, they can be restored/read on a subsequent boot. This would be the easiest way to explicitly save and subsequently restore values. However, it is my understanding that there is a WiFi API provided by the ESP32 that saves the last used credentials (SSID and password) in flash automatically and will attempt to use them upon next boot.
@kolban To store multiple wifi credentials we need to store them in the flash right?

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Re: Saving WiFi credentials in the EEPROM

Postby wts1985 » Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:46 am

It has been a while for this topic, to benefit developers who have the same question, here are what need to be done for ESP32 to store last used Wi-Fi credentials automatically:
  • Call esp_wifi_set_storage(WIFI_STORAGE_FLASH) <-- this is actually default value, just to confirm this function is not called with different parameter
Hope this helps.

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