ESP32-D2WD Issue SW RESET issue.( Code flash done but not work as expect)

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Re: ESP32-D2WD Issue SW RESET issue.( Code flash done but not work as expect)

Postby Vader_Mester » Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:48 am

You can use the schematic of any module, like WROOM, but just not include the external flash. If you follow that you should be fine.

Also, if you insist on not using external RAM, you should also check out ESP32-PICO-D4. It is an SiP with the ESP32, with 4MB Flash, 40MHz crystal included inside the package. ... eet_en.pdf

Code: Select all

task_t coffeeTask()
		} else {
			xTaskCreate(sBrew, "brew", 9000, &mug, 1, NULL);
			xSemaphoreTake(sCoffeeRdy, portMAX_DELAY);

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Re: ESP32-D2WD Issue SW RESET issue.( Code flash done but not work as expect)

Postby MANGUKIA » Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:55 am

I have an ESP32-DOWD Chip and replace it with ESP32-D2WD special case IC and able to flash a code same as the previous process but I am not able to run code or desire result over the port pin and I already test But no success May I know what is the issue please can you clerify now??

I got serial terminal results like the attached image.
Serial terminal result.
001.PNG (47.6 KiB) Viewed 2075 times

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