@espressif honest words to LIB in opensource

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rudi ;-)
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@espressif honest words to LIB in opensource

Postby rudi ;-) » Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:04 am

hi guys

i am allways unhappy while we must wait in opensource for fixings things in the LIB.

i don't understand in opensource "OPEN" - that things go to LIB "CLOSED"

we have so many LIBS in the ESP-IDF and extra LIBS and extern LIBS and other.

we wait now a lot of time that example the AT example is going to fix
we can not debug itself, cause there allways "breakpoints" in LIBS then
that we can not look up what happens.

we start next time productive things, i am not work with this and use libs in this way!

if there is no way to get things open - we must think over for productive things to use the SDK,
so to use ESP or other MCU in our productive things.

i trust you -
but i am allways unhappy to wait days/weeks/month that things is fixed in a lib.

here are 23 developers working on productive things -
we allways must wait for things in a LIB - that is not economically.

hope for your understand.

so my first please is:

-> wifi lib
-> bt lib
-> at lib

we can't longer work in this way with closed tings in opensource.

we have allways the second problem
that in ESP-IDF things patched
and the LIB (recursive download are not helpfull )
is hang out to update it on github.
they are allways outdated!

the synchron mode update all libs to the right time to the ESP-IDF fails!
we see this now in the AT example and waiting things for ATLIB and WIFILIB and CoreLIB

we can't longer work on this way, sry.

this is not hysterie - this are my honest words now after 3 years knowledge with espressif teamwork.
i like your products - but you must undestand - that we not endless want wait for fixing things in a LIB

we are in opensource - and we work to this and my please is:

Open the LIBS!

thank you

best wishes
rudi ;-)
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Re: @espressif honest words to LIB in opensource

Postby ESP_igrr » Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:30 am

Rudi, w.r.t. the problem that esp32-at goes out of sync:
The problem that esp32-at repository doesn't track specific version of ESP-IDF will be fixed soon, esp32-at will include specific version of IDF as a submodule.
That still doesn't mean that you can update all of the submodules to arbitrary "latest" versions and expect that everything will work, but at least building esp32-at project should become straightforward.

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rudi ;-)
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Re: @espressif honest words to LIB in opensource

Postby rudi ;-) » Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:45 am

ESP_igrr wrote:Rudi, w.r.t. the problem that esp32-at goes out of sync:
The problem that esp32-at repository doesn't track specific version of ESP-IDF will be fixed soon, esp32-at will include specific version of IDF as a submodule.
ivan, that is not the problem, we can checkout expizit versions
but this checkout expizit versions does not work until the lib archive is updated.
we must go back many patches on wifi lib that works with a named versionnr of ESP-IDF
that we can compile AT Example.

nowbody knows, which lib is working with which ESP-IDF version ( tag, patch, commets )

this is an actually PM to me:
i have a question. Do you know where to find a old version of esp-idf and At-commands example that works? because with the new version didn´t work anymore. And i have a short time to develop and i want to create my own AT commands for bluetooth enable, advertising,etc
i must now answere,
go back to "x" version of WIFI LIB and use comment "y"
and use "z" version of ESP-IDF and use coment "y-a1sd1" and try "y-a1sd2"

i have now the same problems now.
extremly is, that "Keys IDX" change on NVS we are helplose to find this changes
cause the things are in LIBS ( core, newlib etc ) if we want debug it.

we save each change ( commets ) from esp-idf and all other lIBS
what was run few our before, that runs in next moment not
cause there was a change in a LIB ( wifi parameter add is the best example )
or the libs are outdated. ( there is no synchron in it to the ESP-IDF developer )

there is a "leak" on information in the work team i think.
one team do update on code what the other team do not include in the lib ( not informed, not know )
and the same in other way.

so my please is,

open the libs and we work all at same time on same code and we can all do the same things on it.

ESP_igrr wrote: That still doesn't mean that you can update all of the submodules to arbitrary "latest" versions and expect that everything will work, but at least building esp32-at project should become straightforward.
yes i understand you ivan, but i tink, the "chaos" on idx of each change becomes a new "chaos" then
but i will wait for it and test

best wishes
rudi ;-)

this is the best example : Librtc_clk.a
there was more version on it :

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Re: @espressif honest words to LIB in opensource

Postby ESP_igrr » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:17 pm

For each ESP-IDF version, there is one and only one compatible version of each library ESP-IDF depends on.
You can check which versions of esp32-wifi-lib and esp32-bt-lib which any particular version of ESP-IDF needs as follows (for example):

Code: Select all

$ git submodule status components/esp32/lib
 e8743355806ed3671f7b0ef8bac1ea63909daaf3 components/esp32/lib (heads/master-79-ge874335)
$ git submodule status components/bt/lib
 9a4bb1d5287572664f170f9df4dbfd71babdfc68 components/bt/lib (remotes/origin/HEAD)
Also if you always use `git submodule update` after checking out new version of IDF, updates of libraries to the correct versions should happen automatically.

The problem with esp32-at project you describe is because esp32-at doesn't specify which version of ESP-IDF it is compatible with. As I mentioned above, we will link specific commit of ESP-IDF that esp32-at needs as a submodule to solve this issue.

Now, to the next thing...
You are right to notice that updates to esp32-wifi-lib repository on Github don't happen in sync with ESP-IDF repository.
I can assure you that this happens exactly as it is intended! The fact that new commits are deployed to esp32-wifi-lib repo in Github does not mean that you may update your libraries to these new versions while keeping current ESP-IDF version.
The only thing this means is that somewhere inside our deployment pipeline there is a version of ESP-IDF which will eventually use this new version of libraries. This new version of ESP-IDF for which these libraries are built for may be released to Github in a day or in a week after the libraries are released.
This doesn't mean however that you can take old ESP-IDF versions and replace wifi libraries with new ones. Most of the time this will not work and horrible things will happen. Just always use exact submodule versions which ESP-IDF has.

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rudi ;-)
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Re: @espressif honest words to LIB in opensource

Postby rudi ;-) » Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:20 am

ESP_igrr wrote:
For each ESP-IDF version, there is one and only one compatible version of each library ESP-IDF depends on.
You can check which versions of esp32-wifi-lib and esp32-bt-lib which any particular version of ESP-IDF needs as follows (for example):

Code: Select all

$ git submodule status components/esp32/lib
 e8743355806ed3671f7b0ef8bac1ea63909daaf3 components/esp32/lib (heads/master-79-ge874335)
$ git submodule status components/bt/lib
 9a4bb1d5287572664f170f9df4dbfd71babdfc68 components/bt/lib (remotes/origin/HEAD)

The problem with esp32-at project you describe is because esp32-at doesn't specify which version of ESP-IDF it is compatible with. As I mentioned above, we will link specific commit of ESP-IDF that esp32-at needs as a submodule to solve this issue.

this is the last which ESP-AT Example runs without problems ( from my saved desk ) :

Code: Select all

$ git submodule status components/esp32/lib
1627461bf2fc2ec8a090b30cddae2118d542c454 components/esp32/lib (1627461)

$ git submodule status components/bt/lib
9c1eea6bb03adc3b3847fff79c3f017652840a46 components/bt/lib (9c1eea6)

now i searched the things for you:
this is the ESP-IDF that is used for ESP-AT example:

https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tr ... ents/esp32

point_lib.png (33.42 KiB) Viewed 7752 times
for using this as the actually ESP-IDF
i check out the things easy way with this:
check_out.png (29.94 KiB) Viewed 7751 times
all after this ( newer versions ) , the guru comes.

i do not understand why the guys from ESP-AT Example
do not update the AT_LIB to the new
there is a mistake in the AT LIB in Params

what i do with this answere:
xcguang wrote:
Thanks for your interest in ESP32.
"esp_wifi_init" has been called in libat_core.a,and you shouldn't call it again.
it is himself own file on himselfs computer!

this line:

Code: Select all

esp_at_module_init (0, version);
goes/is here :

Code: Select all

/home/xcg/workspace/esp_iot_at/esp-at-application/components/esp-at-core/./at_port.c", line 560, function: initialise_wifi
line 560 in at_port.c on xcg computer
and cause this all is in the lib
we can not patch
we can not debug
we can do nothing

why they not know / why they do not work on it to update the lib?
xcguang wrote:
Hi Rudy,
We have reproduced the bug,and we will fix it as soon as possible.
wow after 20 days!
and what is mean with "asap" ?
after 13 days - nothing!
it is one line in his code!

for what in the world we create then issues on git
if the project holder do not response to the "community" on same eye level?
why allways this ignorance?
i hate the silcence from espressif if there are problems.
we must allways sit down like a shoolboy!

cooking emotions!
for me the AT Example is now died.

i do not use it further way on this way with closed libs and ignorance,
have fun with your code @xcguang.

and do not create further issues -
i closed my issues now -
the guys can do what they want
i am out of the ESP-AT Example now.
The barrel was already full
And has overrun the ignorance.
We are not schoolchildren

best wishes
rudi ;-)
Last edited by rudi ;-) on Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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rudi ;-)
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Re: @espressif honest words to LIB in opensource

Postby rudi ;-) » Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:12 am

cause edit the last post
love it, change it or leave it.

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