It's meant to be used on top of the Adafruit GFX lib and should work with any SPI display supported by the adafruit lib.
It allows very fast screen refresh rates with zero flicker and configurable trade off between speed and memory usage.
On top of that it also allows transparency (alpha blending) and antialiased lines and circles for extra pretty UI graphics.
There are some benchmark results on the github page comparing it with various classic ways of doing rendering on such screens.
For example here is the data for rendering 10 items (results in FPS):
Code: Select all
GFX Memory Fill Circle Fill Rect Line AA Line Circle AA Circle Text
Adafruit raw & erase 0 39.83 48.46 60.84 N/A 36.53 N/A 9.30
Adafruit raw & clear 0 18.69 19.50 20.47 N/A 18.38 N/A 10.93
Adafruit canvas16 160K 23.83 23.59 25.32 N/A 25.34 N/A 23.79
JLM solid 55K 109.38 128.08 183.15 170.77 115.44 106.86 69.77
JLM alpha 55K 110.11 114.03 174.61 168.72 116.14 107.71 64.74