I tried to make the ROM bootloader to load an image consisting of RAM and flash segments.
I can successfully generate a .elf.
esptool.py elf2image is also keen to generate the .bin file.
esptool.py image_info lists the segments present in the .bin file:
Code: Select all
esptool.py v2.3.1
Image version: 1
Entry point: 40080440
11 segments
Segment 1: len 0x00168 load 0x3ffb0000 file_offs 0x00000018
Segment 2: len 0x00060 load 0x3ffb2ff0 file_offs 0x00000188
Segment 3: len 0x00400 load 0x40080000 file_offs 0x000001f0
Segment 4: len 0x00158 load 0x40080400 file_offs 0x000005f8
Segment 5: len 0x00000 load 0x400c0000 file_offs 0x00000758
Segment 6: len 0x0f8a8 load 0x00000000 file_offs 0x00000760
Segment 7: len 0x0ffe8 load 0x3f400018 file_offs 0x00010010
Segment 8: len 0x0fff0 load 0x00000000 file_offs 0x00020000
Segment 9: len 0x00060 load 0x3f410000 file_offs 0x0002fff8
Segment 10: len 0x0ffa8 load 0x00000000 file_offs 0x00030060
Segment 11: len 0x02d24 load 0x400d0018 file_offs 0x00040010
Checksum: d5 (valid)
Validation Hash: 6d8475908b4510f36f6fc61e5895483063c15cfe26e09c98b3449965a8f9cf87 (valid)
These padding segments are added by esptool.py here
This .bin file is flashed with success.
The bootloader can load the first 5 segments, but fails to load the 6th one, and then the chip reboots.
Code: Select all
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
Is my understanding correct? Is there a way to tell the ROM bootloader to not do that?
thanks in advance,