Looking for data on environmental impact on esp microcontroller
Looking for data on environmental impact on esp microcontroller
Hi, I am writing a paper about a business idea for this course I am taking. The idea includes the use of esp microcontrollers. A part of this project is performing a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis, and I am therefore looking for information about emissions during the production process of these controllers. Is there any publicly available information on this?
Re: Looking for data on environmental impact on esp microcontroller
That sounds interesting. You can download the ESG report here https://www.espressif.com/en/company/co ... ty/reports
I wouldn't expect the emissions to be different from any other integrated circuit, every manufacturer uses the same type of technology, wafer fab and backend.
I wouldn't expect the emissions to be different from any other integrated circuit, every manufacturer uses the same type of technology, wafer fab and backend.
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