I'm trying to use an external flash IC with my ESP32 to store some data that won't fit on the internal flash.
I used the ext_flash_fatfs_example from ESP-IDF, and changed it to use SPI2 (SPI3 IO overlaps with LAN8720 connections):
Code: Select all
const spi_bus_config_t bus_config = {
.mosi_io_num = 13,
.miso_io_num = 12,
.sclk_io_num = 14,
.quadhd_io_num = -1,
.quadwp_io_num = -1,
const esp_flash_spi_device_config_t device_config = {
.host_id = SPI2_HOST,
.cs_id = 0,
.cs_io_num = PIN_CS,
.io_mode = SPI_FLASH_DIO,
When I run the code it works but I noticed it is the wrong chip, it's connected to the internal flash chip as seen by the partitions and size (ESP32 = 4MB, W25Q64 = 8MB):
Code: Select all
I (394) example: Initialized external Flash, size=4096 KB, ID=0x204016
I (394) example: Adding external Flash as a partition, label="storage", size=4096 KB
I (404) example: Erasing partition range, offset=0 size=4096 KB
I (8064) example: Listing data partitions:
I (8064) example: - partition 'nvs', subtype 2, offset 0x9000, size 24 kB
I (8064) example: - partition 'phy_init', subtype 1, offset 0xf000, size 4 kB
I (8074) example: - partition 'storage', subtype 129, offset 0x0, size 4096 kB
Any advice is greatly appreciated.