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Temperature PID controller with Max6675

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:29 pm
by docweide
Can anyone help with code that works on Uno but would like to use ESP32 board or point me in the direction? I have some sample code for a temperature controlled PID heating using a max6675 thermal coupler and mosfet. I know that the ESP32 doesnt have the anologWrite function so I tried to use the TridentTD::analogWrite function. It still wont compile because it states there is a problem with the TCCR2B timer function.

Code: Select all

 #include <PID_v1.h>
// Define pins
#include <max6675.h>
#define thermoDO 19
#define thermoCS 23
#define thermoCLK 5
int PWM_pin = 16;

float temperature_read = 0.0;
float set_temperature = 100;
float PID_error = 0;
float previous_error = 0;
float elapsedTime, Time, timePrev;
int PID_value = 0;

//PID constants
int kp = 9.1;   int ki = 0.3;   int kd = 1.8;
int PID_p = 0;    int PID_i = 0;    int PID_d = 0;

void setup() {
  TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | 0x03;    // pin 3 and 11 PWM frequency of 980.39 Hz
  Time = millis(); 

void loop() {
 // First we read the real value of temperature
  temperature_read = readThermocouple();
  //Next we calculate the error between the setpoint and the real value
  PID_error = set_temperature - temperature_read;
  //Calculate the P value
  PID_p = kp * PID_error;
  //Calculate the I value in a range on +-3
  if(-3 < PID_error <3)
    PID_i = PID_i + (ki * PID_error);

  //For derivative we need real time to calculate speed change rate
  timePrev = Time;                            // the previous time is stored before the actual time read
  Time = millis();                            // actual time read
  elapsedTime = (Time - timePrev) / 1000; 
  //Now we can calculate the D calue
  PID_d = kd*((PID_error - previous_error)/elapsedTime);
  //Final total PID value is the sum of P + I + D
  PID_value = PID_p + PID_i + PID_d;

  //We define PWM range between 0 and 255
  if(PID_value < 0)
  {    PID_value = 0;    }
  if(PID_value > 255)  
  {    PID_value = 255;  }
  //Now we can write the PWM signal to the mosfet on digital pin 16
  previous_error = PID_error;     //Remember to store the previous error for next loop.


double readThermocouple() {

  uint16_t v;
  pinMode(MAX6675_CS, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MAX6675_SO, INPUT);
  pinMode(MAX6675_SCK, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(MAX6675_CS, LOW);

  // Read in 16 bits,
  //  15    = 0 always
  //  14..2 = 0.25 degree counts MSB First
  //  2     = 1 if thermocouple is open circuit  
  //  1..0  = uninteresting status
  v = shiftIn(MAX6675_SO, MAX6675_SCK, MSBFIRST);
  v <<= 8;
  v |= shiftIn(MAX6675_SO, MAX6675_SCK, MSBFIRST);
  digitalWrite(MAX6675_CS, HIGH);
  if (v & 0x4) 
    // Bit 2 indicates if the thermocouple is disconnected
    return NAN;     

  // The lower three bits (0,1,2) are discarded status bits
  v >>= 3;

  // The remaining bits are the number of 0.25 degree (C) counts
  return v*0.25;

Re: Temperature PID controller with Max6675

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:45 pm
by docweide
Can someone break down this code for me? I would like to change this code to only have a user defined temp. and use a Mosfet instead of the relay. I'm very new to coding and can only do simple code changes. This is a large code and I don't know how to start.
I have already changed the code to use a Max6675 which is working and is giving me good temperature readings. I am going to assume that I would only need to use, say the preheat values and change to my user value but unsure and the pin going to the relay will be the pin going to the Mosfet.
Any direction would be appreciated.

Code: Select all

 * Title: Reflowduino ESP32 Demo
 * Author: Timothy Woo
 * Website:
 * Last modified: 3/24/2018
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This is an example sketch for the Reflowduino32 'backpack' for DOIT ESP32 dev boards. The ESP32
 * and backpack board are meant to be used in conjunction with the Sidekick relay module. The default
 * settings in this code is for lead-free solder found in most solder paste, but the parameters
 * can be changed or added to suit your exact needs. The code implements temperature PID control
 * to follow the desired temperature profile and uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to communicate
 * the readings to the Reflowdiuno app.
 * Order a Reflowduino, ESP32 'backpack', or Sidekick relay module at
 * Full documentation and design resources can be found at
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Credits: Special thanks to all those who have been an invaluable part of the DIY community,
 * like the author of the Arduino PID library and the developers at Adafruit!
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * License: This code is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0
 * and appropriate attribution must be
 * included in all redistributions of this code.
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Disclaimer: Dealing with mains voltages is dangerous and potentially life-threatening!
 * If you do not have adequate experience working with high voltages, please consult someone
 * with experience or avoid this project altogether. We shall not be liable for any damage that
 * might occur involving the use of the Reflowduino and all actions are taken at your own risk.

// For ESP32 Bluetooth
#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <BLEServer.h>
#include <BLEUtils.h>
#include <BLE2902.h>

BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic;
bool deviceConnected = false;
float txValue = 0;

// See the following for generating UUIDs:
#define SERVICE_UUID           "6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"
#define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID_RX "6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"
#define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID_TX "6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"

// Libraries for MAX31855 thermocouple interface
#include <SPI.h>
SPIClass SPI2(HSPI); // We are using HSPI pins on the ESP32

#include "Adafruit_MAX31855.h" //

// Library for PID control
#include <PID_v1.h> //

// Define pins
#define relay 13
#define LED 2 // This LED is used to indicate if the reflow process is underway
#define MAX_CLK 14 // MAX31855 clock pin
#define MAX_CS 27 // MAX31855 chip select pin
#define MAX_DO 12 // MAX31855 data pin (HSPI MISO on ESP32)

// Initialize Bluetooth software serial

// Initialize thermocouple
Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple(MAX_CLK, MAX_CS, MAX_DO);

// Define reflow temperature profile parameters (in *C)
// If needed, define a subtraction constant to compensate for overshoot:
#define T_const 5 // From testing, overshoot was about 5-6*C

// Standard lead-free solder paste (melting point around 215*C)
//#define T_preheat 150
//#define T_soak 217
//#define T_reflow 249 - T_const

// "Low-temp" lead-free solder paste (melting point around 138*C)
#define T_preheat 90
#define T_soak 138
#define T_reflow 165 - T_const

// Test values to make sure your Reflowduino is actually working
//#define T_preheat 50
//#define T_soak 80
//#define T_reflow 100 - T_const

#define T_cool 40 // Safe temperature at which the board is "ready" (dinner bell sounds!)
#define preheat_rate 2 // Increase of 1-3 *C/s
#define soak_rate 0.7 // Increase of 0.5-1 *C/s
#define reflow_rate 2 // Increase of 1-3 *C/s
#define cool_rate -4 // Decrease of < 6 *C/s max to prevent thermal shock. Negative sign indicates decrease

// Define PID parameters. The gains depend on your particular setup
// but these values should be good enough to get you started
#define PID_sampleTime 1000 // 1000ms = 1s
// Preheat phase
#define Kp_preheat 150
#define Ki_preheat 0
#define Kd_preheat 100
// Soak phase
#define Kp_soak 200
#define Ki_soak 0.05
#define Kd_soak 300
// Reflow phase
#define Kp_reflow 300
#define Ki_reflow 0.05
#define Kd_reflow 350

// Bluetooth app settings. Define which characters belong to which functions
#define dataChar "*" // App is receiving data from Reflowduino
#define stopChar "!" // App is receiving command to stop reflow process (process finished!)
#define startReflow "A" // Command from app to "activate" reflow process
#define stopReflow "S" // Command from app to "stop" reflow process at any time

double temperature, output, setPoint; // Input, output, set point
PID myPID(&temperature, &output, &setPoint, Kp_preheat, Ki_preheat, Kd_preheat, DIRECT);

// Logic flags
bool justStarted = true;
bool reflow = false; // Baking process is underway!
bool preheatComplete = false;
bool soakComplete = false;
bool reflowComplete = false;
bool coolComplete = false;

double T_start; // Starting temperature before reflow process
int windowSize = 2000;
unsigned long sendRate = 2000; // Send data to app every 2s
unsigned long t_start = 0; // For keeping time during reflow process
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long duration, t_final, windowStartTime, timer;

class MyServerCallbacks: public BLEServerCallbacks {
  void onConnect(BLEServer* pServer) {
    deviceConnected = true;

  void onDisconnect(BLEServer* pServer) {
    deviceConnected = false;

class MyCallbacks: public BLECharacteristicCallbacks {
  void onWrite(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) {
    std::string rxValue = pCharacteristic->getValue();

    if (rxValue.length() > 0) {
      Serial.print("<-- Received Value: ");

      for (int i = 0; i < rxValue.length(); i++) {

      // Do stuff based on the command received from the app
      if (rxValue.find(startReflow) != -1) { // Command from app to start reflow process
        justStarted = true;
        reflow = true; // Reflow started!
        t_start = millis(); // Record the start time
        timer = millis(); // Timer for logging data points
        Serial.println("<-- ***Reflow process started!"); // Left arrow means it received a command
      else if (rxValue.find(stopReflow) != -1) { // Command to stop reflow process
        digitalWrite(relay, LOW); // Turn off appliance and set flag to stop PID control
        reflow = false;
        Serial.println("<-- ***Reflow process aborted!");
      // Add you own functions here and have fun with it!

void setup() {

//  while (!Serial) delay(1); // OPTIONAL: Wait for serial to connect
  Serial.println("*****Reflowduino ESP32 demo*****");

  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(relay, LOW); // Set default relay state to OFF

  myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, windowSize);
  myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); // Turn on PID control

  /***************************** BLUETOOTH SETUP *****************************/
  // Create the BLE Device
  BLEDevice::init("Reflowduino32"); // Give it a name

  // Create the BLE Server
  BLEServer *pServer = BLEDevice::createServer();
  pServer->setCallbacks(new MyServerCallbacks());

  // Create the BLE Service
  BLEService *pService = pServer->createService(SERVICE_UUID);

  // Create a BLE Characteristic
  pCharacteristic = pService->createCharacteristic(
  pCharacteristic->addDescriptor(new BLE2902());

  BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic = pService->createCharacteristic(

  pCharacteristic->setCallbacks(new MyCallbacks());

  // Start the service

  // Start advertising
  Serial.println("Waiting for a BLE client to connect...");

void loop() { 
  /***************************** REFLOW PROCESS CODE *****************************/
  if (reflow) {
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // Blue LED indicates reflow is underway

    // This only runs when you first start the reflow process
    if (justStarted) {
      justStarted = false;
      t_start = millis(); // Begin timers
      windowStartTime = millis();
      T_start = temperature;
      if (isnan(T_start)) {
       Serial.println("Invalid reading, check thermocouple!");
      else {
       Serial.print("Starting temperature: ");
       Serial.println(" *C");

    // Determine the amount of time that elapsed in any particular phase (preheat, soak, etc)
    duration = millis() - t_start;

    // Determine the desired set point according to where are in the reflow process
    // Perform a linear extrapolation of what desired temperature we want to be at.
    /********************* PREHEAT *********************/
    if (!preheatComplete) {
      if (temperature >= T_preheat) { // Check if the current phase was just completed
        preheatComplete = true;
        t_start = millis(); // Reset timer for next phase
        Serial.println("Preheat phase complete!");
      else {
        // Calculate the projected final time based on temperature points and temperature rates
        t_final = (T_preheat - T_start) / preheat_rate + t_start;
        // Calculate desired temperature at that instant in time using linear interpolation
        setPoint = duration * (T_preheat - T_start) / (t_final - t_start);
    /********************* SOAK *********************/
    else if (!soakComplete) {
      if (temperature >= T_soak) {
        soakComplete = true;
        t_start = millis();
        Serial.println("Soaking phase complete!");
      else {
        t_final = (T_soak - T_start) / soak_rate + t_start;
        setPoint = duration * (T_soak - T_start) / (t_final - t_start);
    /********************* REFLOW *********************/
    else if (!reflowComplete) {
      if (temperature >= T_reflow) {
        reflowComplete = true;
        t_start = millis();
        Serial.println("Reflow phase complete!");
      else {
        t_final = (T_reflow - T_start) / reflow_rate + t_start;
        setPoint = duration * (T_reflow - T_start) / (t_final - t_start);
    /********************* COOLDOWN *********************/
    else if (!coolComplete) {
      if (temperature <= T_cool) {
        coolComplete = true;
        reflow = false;
        Serial.println("PCB reflow complete!");
        // Tell the app that the entire process is finished!
        pCharacteristic->notify(); // Send value to the app
      else {
        t_final = (T_cool - T_start) / cool_rate + t_start;
        setPoint = duration * (T_cool - T_start) / (t_final - t_start);

    // Use the appropriate PID parameters based on the current phase
    if (!soakComplete) myPID.SetTunings(Kp_soak, Ki_soak, Kd_soak);
    else if (!reflowComplete) myPID.SetTunings(Kp_reflow, Ki_reflow, Kd_reflow);
    // Compute PID output (from 0 to windowSize) and control relay accordingly
    myPID.Compute(); // This will only be evaluated at the PID sampling rate
    if (millis() - windowStartTime >= windowSize) windowStartTime += windowSize; // Shift the time window
    if (output > millis() - windowStartTime) digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); // If HIGH turns on the relay
//    if (output < millis() - windowStartTime) digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); // If LOW turns on the relay
    else digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
  else {
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(relay, LOW);

  /***************************** BLUETOOTH CODE *****************************/
  // Send data to the app periodically
  if (millis() - previousMillis > sendRate) {
    previousMillis = millis();

    /***************************** MEASURE TEMPERATURE *****************************/
    temperature = thermocouple.readCelsius(); // Read temperature
//    temperature = thermocouple.readFarenheit(); // Alternatively, read in deg F but will need to modify code
    Serial.print("--> Temperature: ");
    Serial.println(" *C");

     // Only send temperature value if it's legit and if connected via BLE
    if (!isnan(temperature) && deviceConnected) {
      // First convert the value to a char array
      char tempBuff[16]; // make sure this is big enuffz
      char txString[16];
      dtostrf(temperature, 1, 2, tempBuff); // float_val, min_width, digits_after_decimal, char_buffer
      sprintf(txString, "%s%s", dataChar, tempBuff); // The 'dataChar' character indicates that we're sending data to the app
      pCharacteristic->notify(); // Send the value to the app
  // Commands sent from the app are checked in the callback function when they are received
I would like to

Re: Temperature PID controller with Max6675

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:03 pm
by docweide
Otherwise I have the following code but the last couple of lines will not compile on the ESP32 board.

Code: Select all

#include <SPI.h>
SPIClass SPI2(HSPI); // We are using HSPI pins on the ESP32
#include "TridentTD_analogWrite32.h"
#include "max6675.h"

// Library for PID control
#include <PID_v1.h>

//We define the SPI pìns
int PWM_pin = 4; 
int thermoDO = 19;
int thermoCS = 23;
int thermoCLK = 5;

// Initialize thermocouple
MAX6675 thermocouple(thermoCLK, thermoCS, thermoDO);

float temperature_read = 0.0;
float set_temperature = 100;
float PID_error = 0;
float previous_error = 0;
float elapsedTime, Time, timePrev;
int PID_value = 0;

//PID constants
int kp = 9.1;   int ki = 0.3;   int kd = 1.8;
int PID_p = 0;    int PID_i = 0;    int PID_d = 0;

#define PID_sampleTime 1000 // 1000ms = 1s

double T_start; // Starting temperature 
int windowSize = 2000;
unsigned long sendRate = 2000; // Send data to app every 2s
unsigned long t_start = 0; // For keeping time during reflow process
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long duration, t_final, windowStartTime, timer;

double temperature, output, setPoint; // Input, output, set point
PID myPID(&temperature, &output, &setPoint, kp, ki, kd, DIRECT);
void setup() {
  digitalWrite(PWM_pin, LOW); // Set default relay state to OFF
  myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, windowSize);
  myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); // Turn on PID control

void loop() {
   // First we read the real value of temperature
  temperature_read = (thermocouple.readFahrenheit());
  //Next we calculate the error between the setpoint and the real value
  PID_error = set_temperature - temperature_read;
  //Calculate the P value
  PID_p = kp * PID_error;
  //Calculate the I value in a range on +-3
  if(-3 < PID_error <3)
    PID_i = PID_i + (ki * PID_error);

  //For derivative we need real time to calculate speed change rate
  timePrev = Time;                            // the previous time is stored before the actual time read
  Time = millis();                            // actual time read
  elapsedTime = (Time - timePrev) / 1000; 
  //Now we can calculate the D calue
  PID_d = kd*((PID_error - previous_error)/elapsedTime);
  //Final total PID value is the sum of P + I + D
  PID_value = PID_p + PID_i + PID_d;

  //We define PWM range between 0 and 255
  if(PID_value < 0)
  {    PID_value = 0;    }
  if(PID_value > 255)  
  {    PID_value = 255;  }
  //Now we can write the PWM signal to the mosfet on digital pin D3
  previous_error = PID_error;     //Remember to store the previous error for next loop.

double (thermocouple.readFahrenheit());

  uint16_t v;
  pinMode(thermoCS, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(thermoDO, INPUT);
  pinMode(thermoCLK, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(thermoCS, LOW);

  // Read in 16 bits,
  //  15    = 0 always
  //  14..2 = 0.25 degree counts MSB First
  //  2     = 1 if thermocouple is open circuit  
  //  1..0  = uninteresting status
  v = shiftIn(thermoDO, thermoCLK, MSBFIRST);
  v <<= 8;
  v |= shiftIn(thermoDO, thermoCLK, MSBFIRST);
  digitalWrite(thermoCS, HIGH);
  if (v & 0x4); 
     Bit 2 indicates if the thermocouple is disconnected
    return NAN;     

  // The lower three bits (0,1,2) are discarded status bits
  v >>= 3;

  // The remaining bits are the number of 0.25 degree (C) counts
  return v*0.25;

Re: Temperature PID controller with Max6675

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 1:39 am
by ArtemN
Use cheap MCP4725 DAC.