Here's a bit of test code, I chopped it down as much as possible and still have it outputting the same text in the same way. There is no I2C anymore. I just updated to the latest ESP32 arduino stuff this morning. In my case the AP/router is only 6 feet away from the computers and ESP32 and no other devices are using it.
To run the test just add the name of your AP and it's password below, compile and run. You should almost immediately get strings of numbers out the serial port. Then connect to port 90 using a TCP terminal program like Putty, you should get the same stream of numbers there. Let it run and every once in a while the stream of numbers will just stop for 8 seconds or more.
The first number in the string of numbers being printed is the loop time in us, it should be around 10000 but when there is a stall it will be a LOT larger.
The other thing that is odd, but you can't see with Putty, is that even when it's running smoothly the TCP traffic is very bursty. I have a PC telemetry program that ingests and graphs the stream in real time, when I use it with ESP32 the graph stutters and updates in irregular spurts. With a different MCU the graph moves smoothly.
Have I missed some setup thing that needs to be done to get this to work? Maybe buffer sizes, turning nagle mode off or something?
Code: Select all
#include <WiFi.h>
// WiFi Access point name and password.
const char ssid[] = "yourAP";
const char pass[] = "yourPASS";
#define TIME_BETWEEN_SENSOR_READS (10000) // Loop time in microseconds
#define TIME_BETWEEN_PID_COMPUTES (10) // Same as above, but in miliseconds, for the PID library
system_state = 1; // current state of the robots state machine
// These are tunable parameters, what works for one bot will probably not work for another, even if the design is
// exactly the same. For a new bot tt is best to set all these to zero and start tuning from there.
// When you have a tune that works well, put the values below so your bot will start up in-tune.
tp,ti,td; // calculated components of the pid for telemetry
balanceSetpoint = 2.7, // Natural balance point of the robot (usually 0 unless robot is lopsided)
totalSetpoint = 0.0,
sensorPitch = 0.0, // The current pitch value from the sensor
pitchError = 0.0, // Calculated pitch error (balanceSetpoint-sensorPitch)
pidOutput = 0.0;
bias_test_speed = 1;
// Timers and stats
unsigned long
loop_start, // Time at the top of the main loop
last_loop_start, // Time at the top of the previous main loop
sensor_frequency, // Time between sensor reads
last_sensor, // Time of last sensor read
pid_frequency, // Time between PID updates
last_pid, // Time of last PID update
blynk_time, // Time to execute the blynk processing in the main loop
sensor_time, // Time to execute the sensor read portion of the loop
next_sensor, // Next time the sensors should be read
last_loop_time; // Time spent inside the previous loop (report 1 frame late so we can capture the time required to do telemetry)
// Sensor related globals
sys = 0, // Calibration state of the IMU
gyro = 0, // gyro calibration state
accel = 0, // accelerometer calibration state
mag = 0; // magnitometer calibration state
// For the TCP based telemetry and control on port 90
// NOTE: if more than one client connects or this will get confused.
server(90); // Creates Server on port 90
client; // First client connected
clientConnected = false, // TRUE when client is connected
clientCommand = false; // TRUE when there is a complete command in the buffer
clientBuffer[80]; // Buffer for incomming commands
clientBufsize = 0; // Size of the current line of text in the buffer
// For the telemetry system, used for both serial and wifi
// printBuffer is only initialized for test purposes. You can delete the initializer to save space.
// 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
printBuffer[200] = "15004,359.94,85.31,-3.94,1,0,3,0,0,15004,2818,15,0,0.00,-83.31,17.00,48.00,0.60,FAKE\n";
printBufferLen = 0; // Length of string in print buffer 85
serialTelemetryOn = true, // true to turn on serial telemetry at startup
tcpTelemetryOn = true; // true to turn on TCP telemetry as soon as a connection is made to port 90
// void setup(void) --- automatically called by arduino at startup to set up the entire system
void setup(void)
// Setup Serial, to be used with the USB-serial telemetry app bit rate in the telemetry app needs to match.
// Initialize WiFi
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected.");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
Serial.print("connected to wifi at ");
IPAddress myAddress=WiFi.localIP();
// Initialize all the time keeping variables.
// These are setup so the times reported first time through the loops will be close
// to zero rather than unusually large (if they were set before blink/wifi was initialized
// they would be very big because it takes blynk a lot of time to connect to wifi)
last_loop_start = micros();
last_sensor = micros();
last_pid = micros();
pid_frequency = 0; // Time between PID updates
blynk_time = 0, // Time to execute the blynk processing in the main loop
sensor_time = 0, // Time to execute the sensor portion of the loop
next_sensor = 0; // Next time the sensors should be read
// void loop(void) --- It is very important that this loop executes exactly on time. The PID library and other
// code assumes this. Confirm with telemetry that you are not going over time and adjust the TIME_BETWEEN_SENSOR_READS
// to make sure you will always run on time.
void loop(void)
// Start with a Spinlock to make sure this runs every TIME_BETWEEN_SENSOR_READS microseconds
// This could also be scheduled with an interrupt.
// Microsecond resolution is probably not required, only consistency, so this code could use
// the milisecond timer to avoid problems with wrap-around.
// I continue to use microseconds because I need the high resolution to time some of the
// execution time stats accurately.
while(micros() < next_sensor);
// Remember loop start time
loop_start = micros();
// If it's time to get a new sensor event, get it
sensor_time = micros(); // Start timer on sensor read
last_sensor = sensor_time;
next_sensor = sensor_time + TIME_BETWEEN_SENSOR_READS; // Compute time of next sensor read
sensor_time = micros()-sensor_time; // Compute how long this read took
// State handling
// Check to see if a client has connected
if(client = server.available())
clientConnected = true;
clientCommand = false;
clientBufsize = 0;
Serial.println("Connected to TCP telemetry/command." );
// Only generate the string if serial or TCP telemetry is on, this speeds up the loop when you aren't using telemetry.
if(tcpTelemetryOn || serialTelemetryOn)
// Calculate the MCU battery voltage (for feather M0)
float measuredvbat = 0;
printBufferLen = sprintf((char*)printBuffer,"%d,%4.2f,%4.2f,%4.2f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%4.2f,%4.2f,%4.2f,%4.2f,%4.2f,%d,%4.2f,%4.2f,%4.2f,%4.2f,%4.2f\n",
(loop_start - last_loop_start), // Total loop time, measured from start of previous loop to start of this one
(1), // Sensor fusion x
(2), // Sensor fusion y
(3), // Sensor fusion Z
// euler.x(),
// euler.y(),
// euler.z(),
(system_state), // System state machine
(sys), // IMU calibration states
(sensor_frequency), // Time between sensor reads
(sensor_time), // Time to do a sensor read
(blynk_time), // Time to do a blynk call
(pid_frequency), // Time between PID calculations
(pidOutput), // Output of a PID calculation
(totalSetpoint - sensorPitch), // Pitch error
(1), // PID tuning parameters
(last_loop_time), // time since loop start not counting write of stats
measuredvbat, // battery voltage
totalSetpoint, // setpoint including joystick contribution
// Send telemetry buffer out serial using Serial.write
if(serialTelemetryOn && printBufferLen > 0)
// send telemetry buffer out TCP
if(clientConnected && tcpTelemetryOn)
pid_frequency = micros();
pid_frequency = micros()-pid_frequency;
// Update timing stats, note that "last loop time" is the time of the PREVIOUS loop execution
printBufferLen = 0;
last_loop_time = micros()-loop_start;
last_loop_start = loop_start;