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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:33 am
by Lelouch

first of all sry for my bad english and I hope you will understand what im here for.
I think its more an question about bluetooth than esp32.. sry^^

in the IDE there are some examples such as BLE_Server and BLE_UART
I do not rly understand what the diffrence is ?.. because i want to make an app . which connects to the esp32 and to write and recieve text. I know already that it's possible with the uart example but what about Server ? Is the Server Client story just to show an connection without data transfer ?


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:53 pm
by chegewara
BLE_Server is the simplest possible example. BLE_UART is similar, but its using known and registered(sort of) service and characteristic UUID's that are used in BLE to uart bridge devices. Its just another use case example.