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ESP32S3 Camera pin reuse/resetting the state

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:44 pm
by the_same_one
I have an amazing Wroom1 Esp32S3 board.
I set camera pin (say 10) to be input: `pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);`
After the power up, I measure voltage on the pin 10 it's HIGH (3V).
On the button push, I initialize camera which is calling `esp_camera_init(&config)` with config of type `camera_config_t`.
I measure the pin (10) again and voltage is floating, apparently it is used still by the camera.

What do I need to do in order to get this pin free of camera usage to it's previous state? (input pull_up)

now, it doesn't matter which pin is used to trigger camera initialization. the point is to get the camera pin(any one of them) to be usable as input pin after the camera init therefore I need some way of halting the camera down. `esp_camera_deinit()` is not enough.
main sketch
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Re: ESP32S3 Camera pin reuse/resetting the state

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:37 am
by lbernstone
After the camera uses the GPIO, the pinMode is reset. You need to set the pinMode again after the camera is turned off.