ESP32 OTA only partialy shows up

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ESP32 OTA only partialy shows up

Postby RatWolf6 » Sat Aug 03, 2024 1:57 pm

Hello all,
I try to create a code for my ESP32-S3FH4R2 where I can use a pin to start the wifimanager and only start the OTA if needed.
The Wifimanager works a wished, but the OTA has an issue.
When I start the ESP, and it connected to the Wi-Fi, it shows around 1 minute after the start in the Arduino IDE.
But after a short time, it's no longer connected.
A permanent ping shows, that the connection is still up. Furthermore, serial shows, that the if, where the OTA. Handler is called is true.
So the only thing I could think about is a port-problem ore something else.
My Network is so, that both, my PC and the ESP connect to the same Wi-Fi and on the same Access point.
These Networks are V-Lans that are managed with a pfSense.
In the pfSense, I couldn't find the esp traffic, maybe because it's mDNS and the AP connects the pc with the esp directly?

Did anyone have an idea what it could be?

My code is uploaded here:

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