I am working on a circuit based on AiThinker ESP32-C3-13/13U-Kit and communicating ESP32 kit with my computer through GPIO18 and GPIO19. The problem is when I open COM port on my .Net application, MCU resets and boot itself. So I made a research and found out that RTS pin is connected to ESP32-C3 EN pin so that when I open port by my .Net appliction on my computer to ESP32 kit through COM port, MCU get reset signal and reboot.
To solve this problem I set properties as below;
Code: Select all
_serialPort.PortName = port;
_serialPort.BaudRate = 115200;
_serialPort.DtrEnable = true;
_serialPort.RtsEnable = false;
// Set the read/write timeouts
_serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000;
_serialPort.WriteTimeout = 1000;
message = _serialPort.ReadLine();
if (message == "HELLO\r")
// device connected
statusLabel.Text = "Cihaz bulundu";
return (port);
Anybody can help me to solve this issue?
Thank you
Orkun Gedik