Problem with ESP32 CPU crashing when using TFT_eSPI library
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:31 pm
I'm coding in the Arduino IDE, so I figured I'd be in the right forum. Tell me if I'm wrong...
I'm using an ILI9341 Touch Screen with the TFT_eSPI library with an ESP32 board. I have created a code for a kind of scale, with an interface in which you have to select info on the screen. In this project, a pariodic table is drawn, and the user must click on the element he is weighing.
The library works fine, but at some point, inside one specific while loop, when I ask the EPS32 to perform anything on the screen, it crashes.
Here is the error I get:
It seems like it is trying to read/write at an illegal adress.
The code is very long, and most of it is irrelevant for my problem, so I put only the essential parts.
As you can see in the code, inside a certain while loop, I put a tft.fillRect(0,0,1,1, BLACK) funtion. If this function is right over (out of the while loop), the code works fine, but whenever I put it into the loop, it crashes immediately (the first time it tries to). In the IDE, I get "Step 6", as asked for in the code, and immediately after, I get the error... I really don't understand why that command makes it crash.
Can anyone help me?
Tell me if there is info that I should remove or that is missing, or if I have done anything wrong!
I'm coding in the Arduino IDE, so I figured I'd be in the right forum. Tell me if I'm wrong...
I'm using an ILI9341 Touch Screen with the TFT_eSPI library with an ESP32 board. I have created a code for a kind of scale, with an interface in which you have to select info on the screen. In this project, a pariodic table is drawn, and the user must click on the element he is weighing.
The library works fine, but at some point, inside one specific while loop, when I ask the EPS32 to perform anything on the screen, it crashes.
Here is the error I get:
Code: Select all
GuruMeditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 1 register dump:
PC : 0x400d4cc9 PS : 0x00060c30 A0 : 0x800d2a04 A1 : 0x3ffc6820
A2 : 0x3ffc30a8 A3 : 0x00000000 A4 : 0x00000000 A5 : 0x00000001
A6 : 0x00000001 A7 : 0x00000000 A8 : 0x00000000 A9 : 0x08000000
A10 : 0x3ffc329c A11 : 0x00000001 A12 : 0xffffffff A13 : 0x00000001
A14 : 0x3ffc30a8 A15 : 0x00000011 SAR : 0x0000000a EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c
EXCVADDR: 0x00000044 LBEG : 0x400d9270 LEND : 0x400d92d4 LCOUNT : 0x00000000
It seems like it is trying to read/write at an illegal adress.
The code is very long, and most of it is irrelevant for my problem, so I put only the essential parts.
Code: Select all
#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <molmetre_v2.h>
#include "FS.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Free_Fonts.h" // Include the header file attached to this sketch
#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // Hardware-specific library
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // Invoke custom library
#define LABEL1_FONT &FreeSansBold9pt7b
#define MYGREY 0xDEFB ///< 224, 224, 224
#define PALE 0xDF9E ///< 223, 241, 243
#define LIGHTBLUE 0xB6FC ///< 185, 223, 234
#define MIDBLUE 0x969C ///< 151, 212, 233
#define DARKBLUE 0x24BB ///< 36, 148, 224
#define PURPLE 0xB417 ///< 178, 129, 193
#define PINK 0xE294 ///< 231, 80, 162
#define DARKYELLOW 0xF641 ///< 250, 201, 8
#define MyName "Thibault de Percin"
float MM[57] = {
//molar masses of all the elements (needed after)
char elements[57][3] = {
//names of all the elements
char L[27] = {
//alphabet in capital letters
char l[27] = {
//alphabet is small letters
uint8_t numberElements = 57;
bool completed = 0;
bool nextStep = 0;
bool finished = 0;
uint8_t mode;
float last_i = 0;
int count = 0;
int number = 0;
int formula[5] = {};
int stoechio[5] = {};
// Invoke the TFT_eSPI button class and create all the button objects
TFT_eSPI_Button button[15];
//0: Balance
//1: Molmetre
//2: Tare
//3: Terminé for measure
//4: Rentrer la formule
//5: Espece enregistree
//6: Terminé for periodic table
#define HX711_dout 16 //mcu > HX711 dout pin
#define HX711_sck 17 //mcu > HX711 sck pin
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
//this is for the HX711 module of weight
boolean _tare = true;
LoadCell.start(2000, _tare);
LoadCell.setCalFactor(1135.16); //Find the right value by using the Calibration file in the HX711 examples
//this calibration data comes from the file Touch_calibrate in the example of the TFT_eSPI library.
uint16_t calData[5] = { 365, 3546, 239, 3597, 7 };
tft.setTouch(calData); //to change this data, reuse the code Touch_calibrate
tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK); //fill screen with black
yield(); //I don't know what this does, not sure it's necessary
tft.setFreeFont(&FreeSansBold24pt7b); //big font (18 or 24)
// I deleted some lines that are just the home screen
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
uint16_t t_x = 0, t_y = 0; // To store the touch coordinates
// Get current touch state and coordinates
bool pressed = tft.getTouch(&t_x, &t_y);
if (pressed) {
void doMeasure() {
nextStep = 0;
finished = 0;
count = 0;
number = 0;
tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
tft.drawString("Cliquer sur le premier ", 160, 10);
tft.drawString("element de la formule", 160, 30);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
formula[i] = 0;
stoechio[i] = 0;
while (finished == 0) {
nextStep = 0;
while (nextStep == 0) {
number = testTable();
if (count > 2) { //this creates a button that is used to say you have finished choosing the various elements you are weighing
button[7].initButton(&tft, 140, 80, 110, 40, TFT_BLACK, TFT_WHITE, TFT_RED, "Termine", 1);
// x, y (center button), w, h, outline, fill, text color, text, text size multiplier
uint16_t t_x = 0, t_y = 0; // To store the touch coordinates
bool pressed = tft.getTouch(&t_x, &t_y);
if (pressed && button[7].contains(t_x, t_y)) {
button[7].press(true); // tell the button it is pressed
} else {
button[7].press(false); // tell the button it is NOT pressed
if (button[7].justPressed()) {
nextStep = 1;
finished = 1
Serial.print("Step 2");
nextStep = 0;
while (nextStep == 0) {
Serial.print("Step 6");
// Here is the moment it crashes
tft.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1, TFT_BLACK);
//If I remove this line it doesn't crash
if (finished == 0) {
formula[count] = number;
void drawTable(){
//this draws the periodic table
int testTable() {//This (long) function returns a value between 0 and 56 (the number corresponds to the number of the element chos
As you can see in the code, inside a certain while loop, I put a tft.fillRect(0,0,1,1, BLACK) funtion. If this function is right over (out of the while loop), the code works fine, but whenever I put it into the loop, it crashes immediately (the first time it tries to). In the IDE, I get "Step 6", as asked for in the code, and immediately after, I get the error... I really don't understand why that command makes it crash.
Can anyone help me?
Tell me if there is info that I should remove or that is missing, or if I have done anything wrong!