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ESP32-S2 MIDI Support

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:04 pm
by serifpersia
I want to make my Arduino Leonardo project wireless so ESP platform seemed like a perfect candidate

My question:
Does ESP32 specifically ESP32-S2 support usb natively? Can I connect MIDI keyboard to it with usb cable?

I also would like to support old DIN5 MIDI keyboards so I need to create MIDI Input circuit for that.

That will take care the midi input side, next is connecting WS2812B strip and use midi data to do control the led strip.
Currently I do all this from PC but with esp32 I'm hoping i can host all this as web server and then from a phone change modes color effect parameters and later on even an android app.

Let me know is this even doable or should I give on this idea.
