ESP32 Arduino FreeRTOS Software Timer
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:24 pm
I was trying to learn about freeRtos but I've encountered a problem so I've decided to put up a program.
I am using platform IO
What I intend to do is this:
- We have 2 one-shot timers (I actually wanted to use more but tried with 2 after trying with 1)
- I wanted to define them as static.
- We have an eventhandler to specify when they should work (state = 1 for timer 1, state = 2 for timer 2)
- I want these timers to be stoppable at anytime (even if it doesn't reach the callback function) from another program
If I don't include the 2nd timer, the code works fine but when I include it some sort of problem occur
And also I haven't been able to use TaskScheduler the program always crashes.
Would be grateful if anybody guided me though this, thanks in advance.
What I've done so far is like below:
Below is the Serial message print outs:
I was trying to learn about freeRtos but I've encountered a problem so I've decided to put up a program.
I am using platform IO
What I intend to do is this:
- We have 2 one-shot timers (I actually wanted to use more but tried with 2 after trying with 1)
- I wanted to define them as static.
- We have an eventhandler to specify when they should work (state = 1 for timer 1, state = 2 for timer 2)
- I want these timers to be stoppable at anytime (even if it doesn't reach the callback function) from another program
If I don't include the 2nd timer, the code works fine but when I include it some sort of problem occur
And also I haven't been able to use TaskScheduler the program always crashes.
Would be grateful if anybody guided me though this, thanks in advance.
What I've done so far is like below:
- #include <Arduino.h>
- #include "freertos/queue.h"
- #include "freertos/task.h"
- #include "freertos/timers.h"
- // The buffer used to hold the software timer's data structure.
- // Defining one second in ticks of time
- #define pdSECOND pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)
- #define staticDONT_BLOCK ( ( TickType_t ) 0 )
- bool progState = 0;
- bool relay1Control = 0;
- uint8_t state = 0;
- int j = 0;
- int k = 0;
- static StaticTimer_t xTimerBuffer1;
- static StaticTimer_t xTimerBuffer2;
- // Define a timer handle
- TimerHandle_t progTimer1;
- TimerHandle_t progTimer2;
- StackType_t progTimer1Started;
- StackType_t progTimer2Started;
- TickType_t remainingTime1;
- TickType_t remainingTime2;
- TickType_t remTimeDisplay1;
- TickType_t remTimeDisplay2;
- // The callback function upon timer exit
- void progTimerCallBack1( TimerHandle_t progTimer1)
- {
- xTimerStop(progTimer1, 0);
- Serial.println("Timer 1 has Ended");
- progState = 0;
- relay1Control = 0;
- state = 0; // If the callback function is called, the timer has ended, state should return to neutral
- j = 0;
- }
- // The callback function upon timer exit
- void progTimerCallBack2( TimerHandle_t progTimer2)
- {
- xTimerStop(progTimer2, 0);
- Serial.println("Timer 2 has Ended");
- progState = 0;
- relay1Control = 0;
- state = 0; // If the callback function is called, the timer has ended, state should return to neutral
- j = 0;
- }
- // The event handler for timer start
- void progTimerEventHandler(uint8_t state)
- {
- // State == 1 conditions
- if (state == 1)
- {
- if (progState == 0)
- {
- if( progTimer1 != NULL ) // If the timer has been created
- {
- progTimer1Started = xTimerStart(progTimer1, 10); // Starts the timer
- Serial.println("The Timer 1 has been issued");
- remTimeDisplay1 = ((xTimerGetExpiryTime(progTimer1) - xTaskGetTickCount())/pdSECOND);
- }
- if (progTimer1Started == pdPASS)
- {
- progState = 1;
- Serial.println("Prog 1 Timer has been scheduled !");
- }
- }
- if (progState != 0)
- {
- remainingTime1 = ((xTimerGetExpiryTime(progTimer1) - xTaskGetTickCount())/pdSECOND);
- if (remTimeDisplay1 != remainingTime1)
- {
- remTimeDisplay1 = remainingTime1;
- Serial.print("Time Remaining: ");
- Serial.println((int)remainingTime1 + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- // State == 2 conditions
- if (state == 2)
- {
- if (progState == 0)
- {
- if( progTimer2 != NULL ) // If the timer has been created
- {
- progTimer2Started = xTimerStart(progTimer2, 10); // Starts the timer
- Serial.println("The Timer has been issued");
- remTimeDisplay2 = ((xTimerGetExpiryTime(progTimer2) - xTaskGetTickCount())/pdSECOND);
- }
- if (progTimer2Started == pdPASS)
- {
- progState = 1;
- Serial.println("Prog 2 Timer has been scheduled !");
- }
- }
- if (progState != 0)
- {
- remainingTime2 = ((xTimerGetExpiryTime(progTimer2) - xTaskGetTickCount())/pdSECOND);
- if (remTimeDisplay2 != remainingTime2)
- {
- remTimeDisplay2 = remainingTime2;
- Serial.print("Time Remaining: ");
- Serial.println((int)remainingTime2 + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- if (state == 0) {progState = 0;}
- if (state != 1 && progTimer1Started == pdPASS)
- { xTimerStop(progTimer1, 100); progState = 0;}
- if (state != 2 && progTimer2Started == pdPASS)
- { xTimerStop(progTimer2, 100); progState = 0;}
- }
- // Timer with the the time info given by seconds
- void progTimerSet(uint16_t time1, uint16_t time2)
- {
- progTimer1 = xTimerCreateStatic("progTimer1", // Text name
- (pdSECOND * (time1)), // Timer period converted from ticks to seconds
- pdFALSE, // State that the timer is one-shot
- (void*) 1, // ID of the timer
- progTimerCallBack1, // The callback func upon exit
- &xTimerBuffer1 // The buffer that will hold software timer
- );
- Serial.println("The initialiser of the software timer 1");
- progTimer2 = xTimerCreateStatic("progTimer2", // Text name
- (pdSECOND * (time2)), // Timer period converted from ticks to seconds
- pdFALSE, // State that the timer is one-shot
- (void*) 2, // ID of the timer
- progTimerCallBack2, // The callback func upon exit
- &xTimerBuffer2 // The buffer that will hold software timer
- );
- Serial.println("The initialiser of the software timer 2");
- }[/code]
- and the main file is as follows:
- [Codebox=cpp file=Untitled.cpp] #include <Arduino.h>
- #include "DMD_initializer.h"
- #include "programTimers.h"
- uint16_t timeVacuum = 14;
- uint16_t timeAir = 10;
- uint8_t relay1Pin = 2;
- void setup() {
- while (!Serial){}
- Serial.begin(115200);
- pinMode(relay1Pin, OUTPUT);
- // DmdTimeStart();
- progTimerSet(timeVacuum, timeAir); // Setting up the FreeRtos Software Timers
- }
- void loop() {
- if (state == 1 || state == 2) {relay1Control = 1; digitalWrite(relay1Pin, HIGH);}
- else if (state == 0) {relay1Control = 0; digitalWrite(relay1Pin, LOW);}
- if (state == 0)
- {
- vTaskDelay(pdSECOND);
- Serial.print ("j: ");
- Serial.print (j);
- Serial.print (" ,progstate: ");
- Serial.print (progState);
- Serial.print (" ,state: ");
- Serial.println (state);
- j++;
- k++;
- }
- if (j == 5)
- {
- j++;
- Serial.print ("j: ");
- Serial.print (j);
- Serial.print ("k: ");
- Serial.print (k);
- state = 2;
- }
- if (k == 7)
- {
- j++;
- Serial.print ("j: ");
- Serial.print (j);
- k++;
- Serial.print ("k: ");
- Serial.print (k);
- state = 1;
- }
- progTimerEventHandler(state);
- }