Hi, new to the forum and the joys of ESP32.
Forgive me if I'm in the wrong place but this seems the most appropriate forum for what I am attempting to achieve.
I'm trying to use the Grbl_Esp32 code by Barton Dring to flash a Wemos D1R32 board.
This will be coupled with a cnc shield and used to run a cnc laser.
I'm trying to emulate this guy: https://embeddedtronicsblog.wordpress.c ... sp32-grbl/ and have altered the Config.h files etc as necessary, added an Espressif Esp32 board to the library etc.
I keep getting errors however and cannot find any clear, SIMPLE, solution or guide. The errors are library related and it appears are related to file locations.
I know Arduino has libraries in both a Documents>Arduino..... location and in the Appdata folder for Arduino.
My very simple question is:
assuming I have downloaded the Grbl_Esp32_Main zipped folder and unzipped onto my desktop, what files/folders do I need to copy and where to satisfy the Arduino IDE?
Probably very simple for someone but it's doing my head in!
ESP32 compiling issue
Re: ESP32 compiling issue
Issue solved thanks. Now if anyone has any experience with error messages...........
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