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Disable ULP Co-Processor

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:58 am
by aniket21314151

I am working on a project which requires WI-FI module on most of the time which of course requires lot of power. The esp is on for 10-15 minutes captures some data and goes to deep sleep for 45-50 minutes for a 7-8 hours per day. The project doesn't require to use any GPIO pin so my assumption is I can disable the ULP co-processor for active and deep sleep mode. I have very new with embedded programming and I am not specialized in this field at all, so I would really appreciate if someone could help me answering following questions:

1. How could I disable/sleep ULP co-processor using Arduino IDE? I have searched for it already and went through espressif documentation but didn't understand it properly.
2. If I disable the ulp, do I need to wake it up for wifi operation?

Thanks in advance for your help.

