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Server Receive and Send from 100 ESP32 Device

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 1:06 pm
by Mahmoud Ahmed
Hello everyone.

I'm new here and need help to start a big project.
I have built a web server on the ESP32 sensor and need to upgrade it .

My Question :?:
What is the best way to connect 100 Device ( esp32 or esp8266 ) to the server , the Server and 100 ESP32 device connected to the wifi network with a router
The server will be installed on raspberry pi or windows 10 pc and store incoming data on SQLite database .
The server can send and receive from all ESP device on the network .
each ESP Device will send data to server every 1 Sec and it is not possible to exceed this period .
how can the server receving all data from each device without lose any thing .
i need only the guide step for search .

Re: Server Receive and Send from 100 ESP32 Device

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 2:41 pm
by lbernstone ... -database/
Use a usb hard disk. This level of activity will wear out an sdcard quickly.

Re: Server Receive and Send from 100 ESP32 Device

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 7:44 am
by Mahmoud Ahmed
Thanks, lbernstone
I am planning to use this MQTT protocol but my question is can MQTT protocol handle over than 100 of ESP32 to communicate with one server and each of this send every 1 sec ? ?
Use a USB hard disk. This level of activity will wear out an SD card quickly.
Yes, this is the best solution

Re: Server Receive and Send from 100 ESP32 Device

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 4:48 pm
by mrburnette
Mahmoud Ahmed wrote:
Sun May 23, 2021 7:44 am
I am planning to use this MQTT protocol but my question is can MQTT protocol handle over than 100 of ESP32 to communicate with one server and each of this send every 1 sec ? ?
The server will be installed on raspberry pi or windows 10 pc and store incoming data on SQLite database .

It would be 'best' to ask over at the MQTT site:

as your desired answer is a "server-side" concern involving the Raspberry Pi host and the server. The client side has its own concerns regarding retransmission of TCP packets under the higher-level MQTT messaging format; that is, random transmission of 100 clients every second may be an issue depending on multiple client-side concerns around re-transmit (especially if on same WiFi LAN.)

As a "few" test clients will not scale linearly, I would approach this project with some suspicions on a clean and successful implementation.

Re: Server Receive and Send from 100 ESP32 Device

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 4:55 pm
by lbernstone
Short answer, yes, a pi3 or better can handle 100 entries per second.
Long answer, there are many ways to increase capacity of a service like mqtt. haproxy can easily be configured to distribute the load between a couple of mqtt servers, with the added benefit of high availability in case one device fails. Google knows lots about load balancing and high availability.