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Multiple SSD1283A display on HW SPI

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:36 am
by woodyman
I have an issue with connection 4 LCD displays on SPI interface

my setup:
SSD1283A tft4( /*CS=oranje*/ 5, /*DC=groen*/ 2, /*RST=geel*/ 15, /* LED=*/ 4); //hardware spi,cs,cd,reset,led
SSD1283A tft3(/* CS=oranje*/ 14, /*DC=groen*/ 13, /*RST=geel*/ 12, /*LED=*/ 4); //hardware spi,cs,cd,reset,led
SSD1283A tft2(/* CS=oranje*/ 27, /*DC=groen*/ 26, /*RST=geel*/ 25, /*LED=*/ 4); //hardware spi,cs,cd,reset,led
SSD1283A tft1(/* CS=oranje*/ 22, /*DC=groen*/ 19, /*RST=geel*/ 21, /*LED=*/ 4); //hardware spi,cs,cd,reset,led

My SPI is connected to
18 for SCK
23 for SDA

i have displays 2,3 and 4 working normally

display 1 i cant get it working, i tried to use the available pins for cs/dc/rst

any idea how i can get it working ?
4-displays-spi-schema.PNG (748.54 KiB) Viewed 6953 times
thanks in advance for the help.

Re: Multiple SSD1283A display on HW SPI

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:13 am
by woodyman
anyone who can help me out ?

Re: Multiple SSD1283A display on HW SPI

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:18 am
by ESP_Sprite
Not 100% sure about the Arduino implementation, but the ESP32 SPI hardware only supports 3 CS lines. You may be running into that limitation. You could try to work around that by using 'standard' GPIOs for CS and setting them manually.

Re: Multiple SSD1283A display on HW SPI

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:59 am
by woodyman
Thanks, i guess thats the issue, i tried to select any other pin for the CS, RST and DC and i could not get it working.
Does ESP32 have only 1 HW SPI interface?

Re: Multiple SSD1283A display on HW SPI

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:25 pm
by ESP_Sprite
Technically it has 4, but only 2 of those are entirely free to use (the others are used for the flash). So if you change your wiring, you *should* be able to control 6 displays without any hacks.

Re: Multiple SSD1283A display on HW SPI

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:02 am
by mrburnette
I have only gotten two to work fully previously: My example here is for ILI9341, HSPI & VSPI
Maybe you can use your approach to get 2 on each hardware SPI interfaces. ... p32-4c75b5

