The SPI code for arduino works. It's the MFRC522 that doesn't work for the ESP32, i'm surprised that this lib works for a DUE or an ESP8266.
For people interested, here the two modifications i did (l_StartTime and l_EndTime):
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MFRC522::StatusCode MFRC522::PCD_CalculateCRC( byte *data, ///< In: Pointer to the data to transfer to the FIFO for CRC calculation.
byte length, ///< In: The number of bytes to transfer.
byte *result ///< Out: Pointer to result buffer. Result is written to result[0..1], low byte first.
) {
PCD_WriteRegister(CommandReg, PCD_Idle); // Stop any active command.
PCD_WriteRegister(DivIrqReg, 0x04); // Clear the CRCIRq interrupt request bit
PCD_SetRegisterBitMask(FIFOLevelReg, 0x80); // FlushBuffer = 1, FIFO initialization
PCD_WriteRegister(FIFODataReg, length, data); // Write data to the FIFO
PCD_WriteRegister(CommandReg, PCD_CalcCRC); // Start the calculation
// Wait for the CRC calculation to complete. Each iteration of the while-loop takes 17.73μs.
uint32_t l_StartTime = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
byte n;
while (true) {
n = PCD_ReadRegister(DivIrqReg); // DivIrqReg[7..0] bits are: Set2 reserved reserved MfinActIRq reserved CRCIRq reserved reserved
if (n & 0x04) { // CRCIRq bit set - calculation done
uint32_t l_EndTime= xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
if (l_EndTime-l_StartTime>89) { // The emergency break. We will eventually terminate on this one after 89ms. Communication with the MFRC522 might be down.
PCD_WriteRegister(CommandReg, PCD_Idle); // Stop calculating CRC for new content in the FIFO.
// Transfer the result from the registers to the result buffer
result[0] = PCD_ReadRegister(CRCResultRegL);
result[1] = PCD_ReadRegister(CRCResultRegH);
return STATUS_OK;
} // End PCD_CalculateCRC()
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MFRC522::StatusCode MFRC522::PCD_CommunicateWithPICC( byte command, ///< The command to execute. One of the PCD_Command enums.
byte waitIRq, ///< The bits in the ComIrqReg register that signals successful completion of the command.
byte *sendData, ///< Pointer to the data to transfer to the FIFO.
byte sendLen, ///< Number of bytes to transfer to the FIFO.
byte *backData, ///< NULL or pointer to buffer if data should be read back after executing the command.
byte *backLen, ///< In: Max number of bytes to write to *backData. Out: The number of bytes returned.
byte *validBits, ///< In/Out: The number of valid bits in the last byte. 0 for 8 valid bits.
byte rxAlign, ///< In: Defines the bit position in backData[0] for the first bit received. Default 0.
bool checkCRC ///< In: True => The last two bytes of the response is assumed to be a CRC_A that must be validated.
) {
byte n, _validBits;
uint16_t i;
// Prepare values for BitFramingReg
byte txLastBits = validBits ? *validBits : 0;
byte bitFraming = (rxAlign << 4) + txLastBits; // RxAlign = BitFramingReg[6..4]. TxLastBits = BitFramingReg[2..0]
PCD_WriteRegister(CommandReg, PCD_Idle); // Stop any active command.
PCD_WriteRegister(ComIrqReg, 0x7F); // Clear all seven interrupt request bits
PCD_SetRegisterBitMask(FIFOLevelReg, 0x80); // FlushBuffer = 1, FIFO initialization
PCD_WriteRegister(FIFODataReg, sendLen, sendData); // Write sendData to the FIFO
PCD_WriteRegister(BitFramingReg, bitFraming); // Bit adjustments
PCD_WriteRegister(CommandReg, command); // Execute the command
if (command == PCD_Transceive) {
PCD_SetRegisterBitMask(BitFramingReg, 0x80); // StartSend=1, transmission of data starts
uint32_t l_StartTime = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
while (true)
n = PCD_ReadRegister(ComIrqReg); // ComIrqReg[7..0] bits are: Set1 TxIRq RxIRq IdleIRq HiAlertIRq LoAlertIRq ErrIRq TimerIRq
if (n & waitIRq) { // One of the interrupts that signal success has been set.
if (n & 0x01)
{ // Timer interrupt - nothing received in 25ms
uint32_t l_EndTime = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
if (l_EndTime-l_StartTime>35)
{ // The emergency break. If all other conditions fail we will eventually terminate on this one after 35.7ms. Communication with the MFRC522 might be down.