Reading Multiple I2C sensors on ESP32
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 12:09 am
Yes I am a newbee. I have a small project were I need to read the sensor data from 3 I2C sensors. a BME280 (Temp, Humidity and pressure), MPU 6050 (gyro) and a Time of Flight VL53L0X. Is it best practice for all 3 to use the same I2C pins or is it better to use different pins on the ESP32 WROOM?
My objective is to set up an AP Webserver to display the data on a tablet.
The next step once I have the hardware wired up and reporting the data, is to create a CSS to display the data on the control screen.
I'm loving the ESP32! I have 3 more coming in. One right now has a port of GRBL to control stepper motors and I'm amazed at how easy it was to control via bluetooth.
Yes I am a newbee. I have a small project were I need to read the sensor data from 3 I2C sensors. a BME280 (Temp, Humidity and pressure), MPU 6050 (gyro) and a Time of Flight VL53L0X. Is it best practice for all 3 to use the same I2C pins or is it better to use different pins on the ESP32 WROOM?
My objective is to set up an AP Webserver to display the data on a tablet.
The next step once I have the hardware wired up and reporting the data, is to create a CSS to display the data on the control screen.
I'm loving the ESP32! I have 3 more coming in. One right now has a port of GRBL to control stepper motors and I'm amazed at how easy it was to control via bluetooth.