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Can I use a OV7670 camera with the Arduino CameraWebServer example for ESP32 Wrover?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:50 pm
by ScruffR
I have tried this example ( ... aWebServer) with a OV7670 board which should match the pin out, but the device only replies with
[E][camera.c:1049] camera_probe(): Detected camera not supported.
[E][camera.c:1249] esp_camera_init(): Camera probe failed with error 0x20004
But I read that OV7670 should be supported too :?

I could accept if some features (e.g. face recognition) wouldn't work with the low res camera, but not working at all did surprise me.

Is there any change? Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Can I use a OV7670 camera with the Arduino CameraWebServer example for ESP32 Wrover?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 3:54 pm
by metered
I've not used one with an ESP myself (on Pi yes), but looking at youtube, etc, there are plenty who have... So maybe a few more details to help diagnose

Re: Can I use a OV7670 camera with the Arduino CameraWebServer example for ESP32 Wrover?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 5:29 am
by ScruffR
Sorry, I didn't get a notification about the response.

I'm not sure how much more background I can give. I have tried the demo as is, plugged in the cam (no FIFO) as suggested by the pinout and got that error. There wasn't any more detail provided as of why this camera wasn't supported.
Hence the post here.

Re: Can I use a OV7670 camera with the Arduino CameraWebServer example for ESP32 Wrover?

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:41 am
by HermannSW
CameraWebServer.ino does not support ov7670 as the error message you get states.

Only ov2640 (2MP) and ov3660 (2MP) are supported (only for those webpages are defined in "~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.2/libraries/ESP32/examples/Camera/CameraWebServer/camera_index.h").

Better explanation is that CameraWebServer sketch is based on ESP32 Camera Driver, and that states: ... /
This repository hosts ESP32 compatible driver for OV2640 and OV3660 image sensors.