As a test, I write 200 samples (2 seconds) to flash and afterward read them back and print using serial. Each sample contains an index/sequence number and a timestamp, along with other fields for future use. The difference in timestamps is nominally 10 ms (100 Hz sample rate), except for the occasional 40 - 50 ms spike. These spikes occur after writing 4096 bytes (~102 samples), which corresponds to the CONFIG_LITTLEFS_BLOCK_SIZE of 4096 bytes. An example output is posted, showing a ~50 ms jump from sample 102 to sample 103. It is very odd to me is that there is a spike in time, yet the sequence numbers are still consecutive.
I need to sample the data uniformly and eventually I need to be able to sample IMU sensor data at 4 kHz. I expected writing to file to occasionally take significant time, which is why I used a producer/consumer pattern with a ring buffer. Further, I expected that putting the sampling / writing tasks on separate cores would have made this a non-issue altogether.
Some questions:
- The use of LittleFS in my code appears to prevent uniform sampling even though a hardware timer is used. Why?
- Why does it appear that the cores are not independent? i.e., why does a slow task on core 1 affect the sampling task on core 0?
- Is there a better way to achieve fast (eventually 4 kHz), uniform sampling + writing to file?
11:03:32.628 -> /data.bin: 8000 bytes
11:03:34.682 -> 200 samples in 2.03 seconds
11:03:34.748 ->
11:03:34.748 -> Reading...
11:03:34.748 ->
11:03:34.748 -> /data.bin: 8000 bytes
11:03:34.748 -> 0, 1.04981
11:03:34.748 -> 1, 1.05981
11:03:34.748 -> 2, 1.06981
11:03:34.748 -> 3, 1.07981
11:03:34.748 -> 4, 1.08981
11:03:34.748 -> 5, 1.09981
11:03:34.748 -> 6, 1.10981
11:03:34.748 -> 7, 1.11981
11:03:34.748 -> 8, 1.12981
11:03:34.748 -> 9, 1.13981
11:03:34.748 -> 10, 1.14981
// everything is fine from here to sample 90
11:03:34.935 -> 90, 1.94981
11:03:34.935 -> 91, 1.95981
11:03:34.935 -> 92, 1.96981
11:03:34.935 -> 93, 1.97981
11:03:34.935 -> 94, 1.98981
11:03:34.935 -> 95, 1.99981
11:03:34.935 -> 96, 2.00981
11:03:34.935 -> 97, 2.01981
11:03:34.935 -> 98, 2.02981
11:03:34.935 -> 99, 2.03981
11:03:34.935 -> 100, 2.04981
11:03:34.935 -> 101, 2.05981
11:03:34.935 -> 102, 2.06981
11:03:34.935 -> 103, 2.11381
11:03:34.935 -> 104, 2.12467
11:03:34.935 -> 105, 2.13380
11:03:34.935 -> 106, 2.14380
11:03:34.935 -> 107, 2.15380
11:03:34.935 -> 108, 2.16380
11:03:34.935 -> 109, 2.17380
// everything is fine from here to sample 191
11:03:34.947 -> 191, 2.99380
11:03:34.947 -> 192, 3.00380
11:03:34.947 -> 193, 3.01380
11:03:34.947 -> 194, 3.02380
11:03:34.947 -> 195, 3.03380
11:03:34.980 -> 196, 3.04380
11:03:34.980 -> 197, 3.05380
11:03:34.980 -> 198, 3.06380
11:03:34.980 -> 199, 3.07380
Code: Select all
#include <FS.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <FFat.h>
#include <LittleFS.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <ICM_20948.h>
union imudata_t {
uint8_t bytes[40];
struct {
float t_sec;
uint32_t idx;
float a[3];
float g[3];
// float m[3];
uint32_t unused[2];
} data;
// IMU ring buffer
static constexpr int IMUBUF_SIZE = 1000;
imudata_t imubuf_[IMUBUF_SIZE];
uint16_t imubuf_head_ = 0;
uint16_t imubuf_tail_ = 0;
uint32_t seq = 0;
// logger state machine
enum State { IDLE, LOG, READ, DONE };
State state;
ICM_20948_SPI imu;
float Gscale = (M_PI / 180.0) / 32.8;
float Ascale = 1.0 / 16384.0;
float Mscale = 1.0;
// sample rate, controlled by hardware timer
hw_timer_t * timer = nullptr;
static constexpr int TICKS_PER_SEC = 1000000;
static constexpr int SAMPLE_PER_SEC = 100;
// how many samples to collect?
static constexpr int NUM_SAMPLES = 2 * SAMPLE_PER_SEC;
// hw timer <--> sample task semaphore
SemaphoreHandle_t semDataReady = NULL;
// #define USE_SERIAL
#define USE_LittleFS
// #define USE_FFat
// #define USE_SD
#if defined(USE_SERIAL)
FS& fs_ = LittleFS; // doesn't matter
#elif defined(USE_LittleFS)
FS& fs_ = LittleFS;
#elif defined(USE_FFat)
FS& fs_ = FFat;
#elif defined(USE_SD)
FS& fs_ = SD;
char DATABIN[] = "/data.bin";
File file_;
bool init_fs() {
static constexpr bool format_if_failed = true;
#if defined(USE_SERIAL) || defined(USE_LittleFS)
if (!LittleFS.begin(format_if_failed)) {
#elif defined(USE_FFat)
if (!FFat.begin()) {
#elif defined(USE_SD)
if (!SD.begin(SPI2.pinSS(), SPI2, 25000000)) {
return false;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void init_imu() {
bool initialized = false;
while (!initialized) {
imu.begin(SPI3.pinSS(), SPI3);
if (imu.status != ICM_20948_Stat_Ok) {
Serial.println("IMU connection issue ... trying again");
} else {
initialized = true;
// reset sensor so it is in known state
// wake it up
// configure sample mode
imu.setSampleMode((ICM_20948_Internal_Acc | ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr), ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Continuous);
// set full scale ranges
ICM_20948_fss_t fss;
fss.a = gpm2; // gpm2, gpm4, gpm8, gpm16
fss.g = dps1000; // dps250, dps500, dps1000, dps2000
imu.setFullScale((ICM_20948_Internal_Acc | ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr), fss);
// set digital low-pass filter config
ICM_20948_dlpcfg_t dlpcfg;
dlpcfg.a = acc_d473bw_n499bw;
dlpcfg.g = gyr_d361bw4_n376bw5;
imu.setDLPFcfg((ICM_20948_Internal_Acc | ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr), dlpcfg);
imu.enableDLPF((ICM_20948_Internal_Acc | ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr), false);
// set sample rates to maximum
ICM_20948_smplrt_t smplrt;
smplrt.a = 1;
smplrt.g = 1;
imu.setSampleRate((ICM_20948_Internal_Acc | ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr), smplrt);
// startup mag
Serial.println("IMU config'd");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void IRAM_ATTR timer_isr() {
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(semDataReady, NULL);
// TODO: if higher priority woken, do context switch?
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.t_sec = micros() * 1e-6;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.idx = seq++;
// // move the head of the buffer, wrapping around if neccessary
// imubuf_head_ = (imubuf_head_ + 1) % IMUBUF_SIZE;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void vTaskGetData(void * pvParameters) {
(void) pvParameters;
for (;;) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(semDataReady, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
// complete a SPI transaction with IMU to get data
// ICM_20948_AGMT_t agmt = imu.getAGMT(); // takes 205 to 206 usec
imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.t_sec = micros() * 1e-6;
imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.idx = seq++;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.a[0] = Ascale * agmt.acc.axes.x;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.a[1] = Ascale * agmt.acc.axes.y;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.a[2] = Ascale * agmt.acc.axes.z;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.g[0] = Gscale * agmt.gyr.axes.x;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.g[1] = Gscale * agmt.gyr.axes.y;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.g[2] = Gscale * agmt.gyr.axes.z;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.m[0] = Mscale * agmt.mag.axes.x;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.m[1] = Mscale * agmt.mag.axes.y;
// imubuf_[imubuf_head_].data.m[2] = Mscale * agmt.mag.axes.z;
// move the head of the buffer, wrapping around if neccessary
imubuf_head_ = (imubuf_head_ + 1) % IMUBUF_SIZE;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
if (!init_fs()) {
Serial.println("filesystem mount failed");
// init_imu();
semDataReady = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(vTaskGetData, "vTaskGetData", 1024, NULL, 3, NULL, 0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void loop() {
static float t0 = 0;
static float tf = 0;
static uint32_t seqnow = 0;
if (state == State::IDLE) {
file_ =, FILE_WRITE);
Serial.print(DATABIN); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(file_.size()); Serial.println(" bytes");
t0 = millis() * 1e-3;
// begin the hardware timer / sampling
timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true);
timerAttachInterrupt(timer, timer_isr, true);
timerAlarmWrite(timer, PERIOD_TICKS, true);
state = State::LOG;
} else if (state == State::LOG) {
static constexpr int txtlen = 4000;
char txt[txtlen];
int j = 0;
// timer may put additional data in buffer while this loop executes,
// but we will only read up to what we can see right now
const uint16_t head = imubuf_head_;
seqnow = seq;
// if there is new data to write
if (head != imubuf_tail_) {
// if head ptr has looped back around, first get the data from here to the end
if (head < imubuf_tail_) {
const uint16_t len = IMUBUF_SIZE - imubuf_tail_;
#ifndef USE_SERIAL
file_.write(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&imubuf_[imubuf_tail_]), len * sizeof(imudata_t));
for (size_t i=0; i<len; ++i) {
j += snprintf(txt+j, txtlen-j, "%d, %2.5f, %d, %d, %d\n",
imubuf_tail_+i, head, imubuf_head_);
imubuf_tail_ = 0;
// getting data is easy, from tail to head
if (head > imubuf_tail_) {
const uint16_t len = head - imubuf_tail_;
#ifndef USE_SERIAL
file_.write(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&imubuf_[imubuf_tail_]), len * sizeof(imudata_t));
for (size_t i=0; i<len; ++i) {
j += snprintf(txt+j, txtlen-j, "%d, %2.5f, %d, %d, %d\n",
imubuf_tail_+i, head, imubuf_head_);
imubuf_tail_ = head;
if (seqnow >= NUM_SAMPLES) {
tf = (millis() * 1e-3) - t0;
Serial.print(seqnow); Serial.print(" samples in "); Serial.print(tf); Serial.println(" seconds");
state = State::READ;
} else if (state == State::READ) {
file_ =;
Serial.print(DATABIN); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(file_.size()); Serial.println(" bytes");
if (file_) {
imudata_t imu;
while (file_.position() < file_.size()) {, sizeof(imudata_t));
static constexpr int txtlen = 200;
char txt[txtlen];
snprintf(txt, txtlen, "%d, %3.5f\n",,;
} else {
Serial.println("Failed to open data file for reading");
state = State::DONE;
} else if (state == State::DONE) {