About the case where the data written to EEROM by ESP32 disappears during AZURE communication

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About the case where the data written to EEROM by ESP32 disappears during AZURE communication

Postby NY20200803 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:22 am

If you do the following
The EEROM data will be erased. Please tell me this measure,

After disconnecting Wifi, reconnect Wifi and
Check the connection with Wifi Status.

After this
When the following function is processed, EEROM will be displayed.
Display the image below serially,
It disappears.

Image URL ==


Points to transfer data
char buff [128];

Function that erases EEROM when processed
Esp32MQTTClient_SendEvent (buff)

When processing the following program
if (Esp32MQTTClient_SendEvent (buff))
Serial.println ("Sending data succeed");
else else
Serial.println ("Failure ...");
delay (5000);

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