Blocking code to Non-Blocking help.

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Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:04 am

Blocking code to Non-Blocking help.

Postby zekageri » Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:06 am

Hello guys!
I have an RFID manchester code decoding code snippet.
This code is a blocking code right now, it is using delays.
I want it to port to a Non-Blocking code.
How can i achive this? Should i use millis() for track the time between the impulses or should i attach an interrupt every time i need a signal?

The actual code:

Code: Select all

static   bool decodeTag(unsigned char *buf)
  unsigned char i = 0;
  unsigned short timeCount;
  unsigned char timeOutFlag = 0;
  unsigned char row, col;
  unsigned char row_parity;
  unsigned char col_parity[5];
  unsigned char dat;
  unsigned char j;
  while (1)
    timeCount = 0;
    while (0 == digitalRead(RFID_Intr_Pin))
      if (timeCount >= 7000)
    if (timeCount >= 600)
      return false;
    timeCount = 0;

    if (digitalRead(RFID_Intr_Pin))
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
        timeCount = 0;
        while (1 == digitalRead(RFID_Intr_Pin))
          if (timeCount == 7000)
            timeOutFlag = 1;

        if (timeOutFlag){break;}
          if ( 0 == digitalRead(RFID_Intr_Pin) )
      if (timeOutFlag)
        timeOutFlag = 0;
        return false;
      if (i == 8)
        timeOutFlag = 0;
        timeCount = 0;
        while (1 == digitalRead(RFID_Intr_Pin))
          if (timeCount == 7000)
            timeOutFlag = 1;

          if (timeOutFlag)
            timeOutFlag = 0;
            return false;
        col_parity[0] = col_parity[1] = col_parity[2] = col_parity[3] = col_parity[4] = 0;
        for (row = 0; row < 11; row++)
          row_parity = 0;
          j = row >> 1;
          for (col = 0, row_parity = 0; col < 5; col++)
            if (digitalRead(RFID_Intr_Pin))
              dat = 1;
              dat = 0;

            if (col < 4 && row < 10)
              buf[j] <<= 1;
              buf[j] |= dat;
            row_parity += dat;
            col_parity[col] += dat;
            timeCount = 0;
            while (digitalRead(RFID_Intr_Pin) == dat)
              if (timeCount == 7000)
                timeOutFlag = 1;
            if (timeOutFlag)
          if (row < 10)
            if ((row_parity & 0x01) || timeOutFlag) //Row parity
              timeOutFlag = 1;
        if ( timeOutFlag || (col_parity[0] & 0x01) || (col_parity[1] & 0x01) || (col_parity[2] & 0x01) || (col_parity[3] & 0x01) ) //Column parity
          timeOutFlag = 0;
          return false;
          return true;
      return false;

Posts: 622
Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:10 pm

Re: Blocking code to Non-Blocking help.

Postby mikemoy » Tue Nov 12, 2019 3:44 pm

Personally, I would say you could look into using multitasking, and make that function a task.
This should get you started to understand what I am talking about. ... duino-ide/

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Re: Blocking code to Non-Blocking help.

Postby idahowalker » Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:03 pm

100% what he said^^^^^^^^^^^

I know complete waste of an ESP but that all I am using at the moment:

Code: Select all

#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "esp32/ulp.h"
#include "driver/rtc_io.h"
#include "esp_system.h" //This inclusion configures the peripherals in the ESP system.
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/timers.h"
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include "AudioAnalyzer.h"
/* define event group and event bits */
EventGroupHandle_t eg;
#define evtDo_AudioReadFreq       ( 1 << 0 ) // 1
TickType_t xTicksToWait0 = 0;
QueueHandle_t xQ_LED_Info;
const int NeoPixelPin = 26;
const int LED_COUNT = 24; //total number of leds in the strip
const int NOISE = 10; // noise that you want to chop off
const int SEG = 6; // how many parts you want to separate the led strip into
const int Priority4 = 4;
const int TaskStack40K = 40000;
const int TaskCore1  = 1;
const int TaskCore0 = 0;
const int AudioSampleSize = 6;
const int Brightness = 180;
const int A_D_ConversionBits = 4096; // arduino use 1024, ESP32 use 4096
Analyzer Audio = Analyzer( 5, 15, 36 );//Strobe pin ->15  RST pin ->2 Analog Pin ->36
// When we setup the NeoPixel library, we tell it how many pixels, and which pin to use to send signals.
Adafruit_NeoPixel leds = Adafruit_NeoPixel( LED_COUNT, NeoPixelPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800 );
int FreqVal[7];//create an array to store the value of different freq
void ULP_BLINK_RUN(uint32_t us);
void setup()
  eg = xEventGroupCreate();
  Audio.Init(); // start the audio analyzer
  leds.begin(); // Call this to start up the LED strip.
  clearLEDs();  // This function, defined below, de-energizes all LEDs...;  // ...but the LEDs don't actually update until you call this.
  xQ_LED_Info = xQueueCreate ( 1, sizeof(FreqVal) );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fDo_AudioReadFreq, "fDo_ AudioReadFreq", TaskStack40K, NULL, Priority4, NULL, TaskCore1 ); //assigned to core
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fDo_LEDs, "fDo_ LEDs", TaskStack40K, NULL, Priority4, NULL, TaskCore0 ); //assigned to core
  xEventGroupSetBits( eg, evtDo_AudioReadFreq );
} // setup()
void loop() {} // void loop
void fDo_LEDs( void *pvParameters )
  int iFreqVal[7];
  int j;
  leds.setBrightness( Brightness ); //  1 = min brightness (off), 255 = max brightness.
  for (;;)
    if (xQueueReceive( xQ_LED_Info, &iFreqVal,  portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)
      j = 0;
      //assign different values for different parts of the led strip
      for (j = 0; j < LED_COUNT; j++)
        if ( (0 <= j) && (j < (LED_COUNT / SEG)) )
          set(j, iFreqVal[0]); // set the color of led
        else if ( ((LED_COUNT / SEG) <= j) && (j < (LED_COUNT / SEG * 2)) )
          set(j, iFreqVal[1]); //orginal code
        else if ( ((LED_COUNT / SEG * 2) <= j) && (j < (LED_COUNT / SEG * 3)) )
          set(j, iFreqVal[2]);
        else if ( ((LED_COUNT / SEG * 3) <= j) && (j < (LED_COUNT / SEG * 4)) )
          set(j, iFreqVal[3]);
        else if ( ((LED_COUNT / SEG * 4) <= j) && (j < (LED_COUNT / SEG * 5)) )
          set(j, iFreqVal[4]);
          set(j, iFreqVal[5]);
    xEventGroupSetBits( eg, evtDo_AudioReadFreq );
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} // void fDo_ LEDs( void *pvParameters )
void fDo_AudioReadFreq( void *pvParameters )
  int64_t EndTime = esp_timer_get_time();
  int64_t StartTime = esp_timer_get_time(); //gets time in uSeconds like Arduino Micros
  for (;;)
    xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtDo_AudioReadFreq, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY);
    EndTime = esp_timer_get_time() - StartTime;
    // log_i( "TimeSpentOnTasks: %d", EndTime );
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
      FreqVal[i] = constrain( FreqVal[i], NOISE, A_D_ConversionBits );
      FreqVal[i] = map( FreqVal[i], NOISE, A_D_ConversionBits, 0, 255 );
      // log_i( "Freq %d Value: %d", i, FreqVal[i]);//used for debugging and Freq choosing
    xQueueSend( xQ_LED_Info, ( void * ) &FreqVal, xTicksToWait0 );
    StartTime = esp_timer_get_time();
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} // fDo_ AudioReadFreq( void *pvParameters )
//the following function set the led color based on its position and freq value
void set(byte position, int value)
  // segment 0, red
  if ( (0 <= position) && (position < LED_COUNT / SEG) ) // segment 0 (bottom to top), red
    if ( value == 0 )
      leds.setPixelColor( position, 0, 0, 0 );
      // increase light output of a low number
      // value += 10;
      // value = constrain( value, 0, 255 ); // keep raised value within limits
      leds.setPixelColor( position, leds.Color( value , 0, 0) );
  else if ( (LED_COUNT / SEG <= position) && (position < LED_COUNT / SEG * 2) ) // segment 1 yellow
    if ( value == 0 )
      leds.setPixelColor(position, leds.Color(0, 0, 0));
      leds.setPixelColor(position, leds.Color( value, value, 0)); // works better to make yellow
  else if ( (LED_COUNT / SEG * 2 <= position) && (position < LED_COUNT / SEG * 3) ) // segment 2 pink
    if ( value == 0 )
      leds.setPixelColor(position, leds.Color(0, 0, 0));
      leds.setPixelColor(position, leds.Color( value, 0, value * .91) ); // pink
  else if ( (LED_COUNT / SEG * 3 <= position) && (position < LED_COUNT / SEG * 4) ) // seg 3, green
    if ( value == 0 )
      leds.setPixelColor(position, leds.Color( 0, 0, 0));
    else //
      leds.setPixelColor( position, leds.Color( 0, value, 0) ); //
  else if ( (LED_COUNT / SEG * 4 <= position) && (position < LED_COUNT / SEG * 5) ) // segment 4, leds.color( R, G, B ), blue
    if ( value == 0 )
      leds.setPixelColor(position, leds.Color( 0, 0, 0));
    else //
      leds.setPixelColor(position, leds.Color( 0, 0, value) ); // blue
  else // segment 5
    if ( value == 0 )
      leds.setPixelColor(position, leds.Color( 0, 0, 0)); // only helps a little bit in turning the leds off
      leds.setPixelColor( position, leds.Color( value, value * .3, 0) ); // orange
} // void set(byte position, int value)
void clearLEDs()
  for (int i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++)
    leds.setPixelColor(i, 0);
} // void clearLEDs()
  Each I_XXX preprocessor define translates into a single 32-bit instruction. So you can count instructions to learn which memory address are used and where the free mem space starts.

  To generate branch instructions, special M_ preprocessor defines are used. M_LABEL define can be used to define a branch target.
  Implementation note: these M_ preprocessor defines will be translated into two ulp_insn_t values: one is a token value which contains label number, and the other is the actual instruction.

void ULP_BLINK_RUN(uint32_t us)
  size_t load_addr = 0;
  RTC_SLOW_MEM[12] = 0;
  ulp_set_wakeup_period(0, us);
  const ulp_insn_t  ulp_blink[] =
    I_MOVI(R3, 12),                         // #12 -> R3
    I_LD(R0, R3, 0),                        // R0 = RTC_SLOW_MEM[R3(#12)]
    M_BL(1, 1),                             // GOTO M_LABEL(1) IF R0 < 1
    I_WR_REG(RTC_GPIO_OUT_REG, 26, 27, 1),  // RTC_GPIO2 = 1
    I_SUBI(R0, R0, 1),                      // R0 = R0 - 1, R0 = 1, R0 = 0
    I_ST(R0, R3, 0),                        // RTC_SLOW_MEM[R3(#12)] = R0
    M_BX(2),                                // GOTO M_LABEL(2)
    M_LABEL(1),                             // M_LABEL(1)
    I_WR_REG(RTC_GPIO_OUT_REG, 26, 27, 0),// RTC_GPIO2 = 0
    I_ADDI(R0, R0, 1),                    // R0 = R0 + 1, R0 = 0, R0 = 1
    I_ST(R0, R3, 0),                      // RTC_SLOW_MEM[R3(#12)] = R0
    M_LABEL(2),                             // M_LABEL(2)
    I_HALT()                                // HALT COPROCESSOR
  const gpio_num_t led_gpios[] =
    // GPIO_NUM_0,
    // GPIO_NUM_4
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(led_gpios) / sizeof(led_gpios[0]); ++i) {
    rtc_gpio_set_direction(led_gpios[i], RTC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_ONLY);
    rtc_gpio_set_level(led_gpios[i], 0);
  size_t size = sizeof(ulp_blink) / sizeof(ulp_insn_t);
  ulp_process_macros_and_load( load_addr, ulp_blink, &size);
  ulp_run( load_addr );
} // void ULP_BLINK_RUN(uint32_t us)
The code uses freeRTOS to accomplish the tasks.

Posts: 43
Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:04 am

Re: Blocking code to Non-Blocking help.

Postby zekageri » Wed Nov 13, 2019 10:52 am

Sorry i wasn't clear enough.
I'am already using two task in my program.
One of my task is running on core 0, and there are a bunch of things in it.
A tft display handling, the above mentioned RFID handler and such things.

On the other task wich is running on core 1, there is an ADC read that needs to run continously.
If i let the code as it is, on the first task wich is running on core0 and the functions have to excute, it is blocking the other codes while running.

Btw, i don't understand the functionality of the task wait bits and things like that.
If i have a task, and call the functions in it one by one, and write every function on a way that they don't need to wait for each other doesn't it work the same? hihi

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