This was the captured frame after I clicked "doit" button:
These were the last two rows of Arduino IDE "serial Monitor" output:
Code: Select all
MJPG: 20556B 161ms (6.2fps), AVG: 155ms (6.5fps), 0+0+0+0=0 0
MJPG: 21333B 161ms (6.2fps), AVG: 156ms (6.4fps), 0+0+0+0=0 0
Because of "Waiting for next VSYNC" at the very beginning of capturing 2nd last 161ms frame.
Since the 170ms offset reaches into next (last) frame it seems that the missing top part of global shutter propeller is the area of last frame that was already captured (rolling shutter) for last frame, before stopping the stream is initiated (this is the browser code executed when clicking on "doit"):
Code: Select all
async function doit(ms) {
await sleep(ms)
But that was not the case.
Time for sending the updateConfig http requests might differ (Wifi).
Sleeping is done in browser, not sure how precisely timewise recreatable the actual start of the sleep is.
Also the waiting for VSYNC is executed on ESP32, while the wait and stop stream happen in browser.