Diy watch winder by esp32 and stepper motor 28byj-48

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Diy watch winder by esp32 and stepper motor 28byj-48

Postby Garooc » Wed May 01, 2024 2:47 pm

I'm creating a watch winder using a Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 controlled by an ESP32 devkit v1 over WiFi through a mobile phone, with a ULN2003 as the driver for the stepper motor.I want to use this code from github; but it's written for dc motor and l298n driver. Anybody can help me to how should I change the code to can use for my watch winder?

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Re: Diy watch winder by esp32 and stepper motor 28byj-48

Postby lbernstone » Fri May 03, 2024 10:07 pm

Familiarize yourself with how the stepper works by following this tutorial
Then, you can modify how MotorControl.cpp works to move the motor. A stepper doesn't have an on/off switch, so you will need to set up a low priority FreeRTOS task that looks at a variable state (eg int8_t step_direction=-1 is anti-clockwise) and moves a number of steps in that direction, then delays to let the system process.

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Re: Diy watch winder by esp32 and stepper motor 28byj-48

Postby anjanbabu » Fri Aug 09, 2024 4:36 am

Hey Garooc, did you figure this out? I'm also trying to do the same.

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