How would one get detailed NTP/SNTP statistics?

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Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:40 am

How would one get detailed NTP/SNTP statistics?

Postby D.h.zh » Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:52 am

I am currently trying my hand at using NTP to sync up time on my esp32-s3, using WiFi and the "configTime()".
As I was looking through it, I found that many Arduino Esp32 guides online only sync up to the seconds level, instead of ms or us which I am looking for. I managed to find a way to use getLocalTime to print up to ms and us, but I do not know if it is accurate.
Is there any way one can get the statistics like offset, jitter, noise, delay values over time values. I have tried looking into ESP-IDF documentation for system time and saw it pointing to Iwif sntp and esp_netif. However, I did not really see any function to print out these stats.
I would assume that these stats are somehow calculated in the time syncing process? How would i go about getting them printed out to serial?
I apologise if this question was asked before, I could not find any threads on it.

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