Espressif ESP32 Download Tool & Arduino?

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Espressif ESP32 Download Tool & Arduino?

Postby MitchSF » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:13 pm

Hi All,

I've tried the following settings and a few other combinations, but I can't successfully run a sketch that has been exported as a .bin file. They do download to the ESP32 successfully.

@ 0x00000
Crystal Freq: 40M
SPI Speed: 40MHz
SPI Mode: Tried QIO and DIO
Flash Size: 32Mbit

Tool detected these settings:
flash vendor:
C8h : GD
flash devID:
40 Mhz

And these settings in the download panel:
AP: 30AEA404BA1D STA: 30AEA404BA1C

Thanks in advance for help with this.

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Re: Espressif ESP32 Download Tool & Arduino?

Postby MitchSF » Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:36 pm

No ideas? Has anyone tried this?

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Re: Espressif ESP32 Download Tool & Arduino?

Postby WiFive » Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:16 pm

I don't think the exported bin includes the bootloader and partition table and shouldn't be flashed to 0x0.

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Re: Espressif ESP32 Download Tool & Arduino?

Postby kolban » Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:20 pm

I read your question but was unable to even begin to assist with an answer. It seems to assume contextual knowledge of what you are doing at the time and the environment you had in place when you encountered the puzzle.

What I'd suggest is to post a follow on with a lot more detail on the back story of what it is you are wanting to achieve, what you did to try and achieve it and what results were encountered. If you then have any thoughts on the nature of the puzzle or "ideas" or "notions" about what is happening, don't hesitate to post those too.

Assume the reader of the forum want to help and are even willing to try and assist with some form of recreate as needed. But assume folks like me are "dummies" and need "hand holding". The more time you take in formulating the question, the more time a reader is going to be willing to spend contemplating it and thinking about solutions. Making a question as easy to comprehend as possible goes a long way (opinion) in the minds of readers.
Free book on ESP32 available here:

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Re: Espressif ESP32 Download Tool & Arduino?

Postby MitchSF » Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:39 pm

Thanks for the comments, and Kolban, of course you're right. I should have mentioned that I'm trying to update users to new versions without giving source code for two reasons - first, I don't want to, and second, that would require them to load the Arduino IDE and build the environment for the ESP32, which would be difficult to impossible for most non-programmer types.

As WiFive mentioned, if they can be provided with the partition table and bootloader files and given the addresses to enter into the flash update tool, that would work.

The last option is to learn and move to the ESP-IDF, something I've been considering and maybe that's best for the long run, but for now, figuring out how to update an Arduino sketch is what I'm trying to accomplish.

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