I am having a heck of a time trying to make a BluetoothLE app to control the ESP32-wroom-32 on an iphone.
I have working examples of android code using arduinoIDE and MIT app inventor... but apparently neither supports ios, or I just cant figure it out.
Then I tried xamarin, once again there is working demo code for android, but no example code for ios (nowhere to start).
Everywhere I turn I keep running into dead ends.
What I want to do is make an ios app using BTLE to control WS2812 led's from a color wheel, brightness slider and optional pre-programmed display routines (mostly fastLED). I have pretty much all coding ready but simply cannot figure out how to make an ios app.
How can I go about making a custom BTLE app for ios?
I would prefer to do this in arduinoIDE.
Iphone app - Impossible?
Re: Iphone app - Impossible?
I could not find a single iphone app making service that supports the BLE extension.
I'm told you have to subscribe to their developer service at $99/yr.
Then you have to go through a process to get your app digitally signed by them.
Apparently this is why android apps are so much easier to make.
Unless im missing something, they have made it intentionally difficult to make an app for the iphone.
I'm told you have to subscribe to their developer service at $99/yr.
Then you have to go through a process to get your app digitally signed by them.
Apparently this is why android apps are so much easier to make.
Unless im missing something, they have made it intentionally difficult to make an app for the iphone.
Re: Iphone app - Impossible?
You can build a web server running on the esp32 and then control everything from the web page, you can find lots of guides on how to do it, and then connect your iPhone to the webpage, i know its not an App and not bluetooth, but it works
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