JTAG Debug ESP32 with GDB in platformio

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JTAG Debug ESP32 with GDB in platformio

Postby heja70 » Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:09 pm


I'm trying to debug a problem were I sometimes get, "Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU0". I have now connected a Espressif JTAG debugger and got it working but have a few problems.

I want the program execution to stop and be able to use the debugger to search for the fault when the exception happens. I have put "debug_init_break = tbreak Reset_Handler" in my platform.ini file but haven't yet been able to get the debugger to break. I get the output "Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000 ms timelimit. GDB alive packet not sent! (2037 ms). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in GDB". What exactly does this mean? I was able to change the remotetimeout parameter by adding a .gdbinit file. I have a display connected to the ESP32 which shows the clock. What I see is that I get a couple of these warning messages and after that the clock stops updating but the debugger doesn't break. So what's happening? Any help or additional information how to learn to use the debugger is appreciated.

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