ESP-IDF: Send data from Node to ROOT fail

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ESP-IDF: Send data from Node to ROOT fail

Postby stockfish52 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:24 am

Hello everyone,
I am using esp-idf v3.3.5 and I want to send data from Node ( Sensor Node) to Root Node in order to Node Root publish data on MQTT broker but I received one problem send Root Fail 0x4008 ( ESP_ERR_MESH_ARGUMENT)
This is my code
err = esp_mesh_send(NULL, &data, 0, NULL, 0);
mesh_data_t data; = tx_buf;
data.size = sizeof(tx_buf);
data.proto = MESH_PROTO_JSON;

Please help me. Thank you

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Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:06 pm

Re: ESP-IDF: Send data from Node to ROOT fail

Postby ESP_Minatel » Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:22 am


Espressif does not support ESP-IDF versions below the 4.3, so it will be difficult to help you since you are using a quite old release.
See the ESP ESP-IDF Release Support Schedule

I would suggest you to update to some of the supported versions.

From Support Policy

ESP-IDF V3.3 was released in September 2019. It was supported for 30 months until February 2022.

The first V3.3 release was v3.3 in September 2019.
The ESP-IDF team continues to backport bug fixes, security fixes, etc to the release branch release/v3.3.
Periodically stable bugfix releases are created from the release branch. For example v3.3.1, v3.3.2, etc. Users are encouraged to always update to the latest bugfix release.
V3.3 bugfix releases continue until February 2022, when all V3.3.x releases become End of Life.

Thank you!

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