ESP-rain Maker App Modification

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ESP-rain Maker App Modification

Postby naveenece » Thu Sep 09, 2021 6:41 am

1. can I change the ESP-Rain maker App name into my custom name...How to change the Alexa skill name of esp-rainmaker into my custom name.

2. What is the cloud service used?

3. can I able to control the device without the internet using the esp-rain maker App.

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Re: ESP-rain Maker App Modification

Postby fasani » Sun Sep 12, 2021 5:02 am

Hi there, you can get more attention on this forum section that is Rainmaker specific:

I think RainMaker was designed with the cloud in mind, so you can interact with voice services such as Alexa or Google.
But I’m quite sure apps are open source so I guess if you respect the license, it’s possible to change the name and maybe even the icons for certain things.
epdiy collaborator | Fan of Espressif MCUs and electronic design

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