ESP32 AT - multicast, maximum connection, UDP server, IPv6

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ESP32 AT - multicast, maximum connection, UDP server, IPv6

Postby zavovi » Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:32 am

Hi all,
I want use the ESP-WROOM32 module for my application which is now working on the ethernet. I found project with AT commands I started working on my parser for it. But I have some missing commands or I don't know, how to use the commands.

1. Multicast
In my application I have UDP servar and client for receiving and sending multicast messages. Is it possible use the AT demo for it? And how can I start the UDP server listening on the specific port via AT command?

2. I have read, that in AT command application is maximum 4 connections. Is it possible increase it? Is it maximum for TCP and for all sockets? For example one UDP server, one UPD client and start TCP server (how many connection?). Is it possible?

3. What abou IPv6 in this application?

4. Is it possible to use it on SPI interface?

Thank you,

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