JTAG Debugger that fits most ESP32 Projects
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:45 pm
Not really a ESP32 project but this helps to realize an ESP32 project.
This is why i want to share it with you.
I found a lot of JTAG debuggers that could be used with the ESP32. But most of them are out of stock or discontinued. Others too expensive. So i decided to make my own JTAG debugger. It is based on the FTDI FT2232H so it is USB Hi-Speed 488Mbis/s and Full Speed 12MBit/s compatible.
Important for me are the following features:
JTAG Interface: TDI, TDO, TMS, TCK, TRST, RST (ARM compatible connector because I'm also using STM32 µControllers)
UART Interface: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS
Accepted JTAG voltage level range: 2.3 ... 3.6V (works 1.7 ... 5V)
Accepted UART voltage level range: same as JTAG interface.
Most other Debuggers contain no UART interface or a standard RS-232 with +/- 15V levels which is useless for ESP32 applications
because the ESP32 has the same UART output levels as ist supply voltage. This is in the range of 2.2V...3.6V. That's what my debugger supports.
So it is possible to use the UART as printf UART for debug messages or listening to UART devices that are attached to the ESP32 like a GPS module.
I built 10 units, as i only need two I'll give away the other eight. If one is interested to have one please contact me.
This is why i want to share it with you.
I found a lot of JTAG debuggers that could be used with the ESP32. But most of them are out of stock or discontinued. Others too expensive. So i decided to make my own JTAG debugger. It is based on the FTDI FT2232H so it is USB Hi-Speed 488Mbis/s and Full Speed 12MBit/s compatible.
Important for me are the following features:
JTAG Interface: TDI, TDO, TMS, TCK, TRST, RST (ARM compatible connector because I'm also using STM32 µControllers)
UART Interface: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS
Accepted JTAG voltage level range: 2.3 ... 3.6V (works 1.7 ... 5V)
Accepted UART voltage level range: same as JTAG interface.
Most other Debuggers contain no UART interface or a standard RS-232 with +/- 15V levels which is useless for ESP32 applications
because the ESP32 has the same UART output levels as ist supply voltage. This is in the range of 2.2V...3.6V. That's what my debugger supports.
So it is possible to use the UART as printf UART for debug messages or listening to UART devices that are attached to the ESP32 like a GPS module.
I built 10 units, as i only need two I'll give away the other eight. If one is interested to have one please contact me.