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HomeGenie Mini OS for ESP8266 and ESP32

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:57 pm
by genemars
Hi everyone,

a new version of HomeGenie Mini is now available.
HG Mini is a very easy to use open source library for creating smart devices.
Based on `espressif/arduino` framework, HG Mini features:

- Easy Wi-Fi configuration using Bluetooth (ESP32) or WPS (ESP8266)
- Does not require an Internet connection to be configured or to work properly
- Time synchronization using internal RTC (ESP32), mobile app time or NTP
- Device discovery through SNMP/UPnP advertising with customizable name
- Multi-channel I/O: HTTP, WebSocket, SSE, MQTT
- Status LED
- Configuration/Pairing Button
- Builtin GPIO control API
- Switch level restore on power-on/restart
- Event router
- Multitasking
- Activity-based UI with touch and gestures support
- Minimalistic APIs for implementing tasks and for using the UI
- Extensible HTTP API


Source code include examples.