Canceled Project
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:56 pm
So my project go canceled and will not make it to marked. Time to share some goodies.
V1 was, Sparkfun and or Adafruit, Some sparkfun RGB Modiule MFRC522 RFID then and CLRC663b RFID Deb board. And in my hand the first produced V2
V2 (on right) Was using an esp wroom and added an Lp55231 for leds and an Clrc663 vs V3 (on left)No FTTDI it as a cable from outside Back side of V2
V1 was, Sparkfun and or Adafruit, Some sparkfun RGB Modiule MFRC522 RFID then and CLRC663b RFID Deb board. And in my hand the first produced V2
V2 (on right) Was using an esp wroom and added an Lp55231 for leds and an Clrc663 vs V3 (on left)No FTTDI it as a cable from outside Back side of V2