GUI with Electron and Vuejs

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Joined: Tue May 05, 2020 8:22 pm GUI with Electron and Vuejs

Postby giobauermeister » Tue May 05, 2020 9:04 pm

Hello guys,

I was in need of an GUI in my work so my colleagues which don't have much experience with the command line could also flash ESP32 equipment.

So I decided to study a little bit more about Electron and Vuejs and develop a GUI for ... ectron-vue

It is cross platform so it runs on Linux and Windows (and probably MacOS, didn't test it).

With v1.0.0 its possible to test connection with ESP32 boards and flash up to 4 binary files(.bin) in different memory address, like firmware.bin, spiffs.bin, partitions.bin and etc.
This version is sufficient for what my company needs but I'm planning to add more functionalities such as automatic production flashing, options for flash mode, flash frequency and many more options from

Any comments or ideas for improvements are very welcome!


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