New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby smuellener » Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:27 am

@mikemoy: Thanks for the feedback. I'd be interested to order 20 modules to run some BT tests. Please contact me on <my_username_in_this_forum> to discuss about the price. Would be great to hear form you!

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby mikemoy » Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:04 am

FYI, electrodragon has this which may be useful for ya.
Just plug your ESp32 board into it. ... board-phy/

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby redhoodie » Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:34 pm

I'm keen for one just to play around with! <username_on_forum>

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby mzimmers » Mon Nov 12, 2018 4:57 pm

Hey Mike - what's the latest on this? We may have a need for such a product next year.

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby mikemoy » Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:46 pm

Hey Mike - what's the latest on this? We may have a need for such a product next year.
Honestly, I just dont see enough people interested in it to put the resources (money) into making this a product for sale.
It's going to cost quite allot to make these in batches to get the price down where people wont complain about it.
So I have been using them for my own products. The latest version I am on now is stable and is POE enabled.

Also, since electrodragon came out with a similar device, It just seemed to make less sense for me to come out with it. ... board-phy/

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby WiFive » Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:17 pm

There are quite a few choices for Ethernet now such as the olimex boards, the electrodragon breakout, wesp32, esp32-circle, som-esp32-1, neonious, and more on tindie. Not all use wrover and there could be room for more, just need a killer feature.

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby mzimmers » Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:36 pm

For some of us, POE Ethernet *is* the killer feature. The Olimex comes closest to what we would probably like to have. But it's encouraging to see so many positive efforts ongoing in this area; I'm sure the upcoming year will see even more breakthroughs.

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby Vader_Mester » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:44 am

We would love to see the board design and BOM files to be shared though.
Maybe a contantly updated GitHub repo would be useful. If nobody is going to sell it, I would rather put it together myself.

Code: Select all

task_t coffeeTask()
		} else {
			xTaskCreate(sBrew, "brew", 9000, &mug, 1, NULL);
			xSemaphoreTake(sCoffeeRdy, portMAX_DELAY);

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby mikemoy » Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:53 pm

We would love to see the board design and BOM files to be shared though.
Maybe a contantly updated GitHub repo would be useful. If nobody is going to sell it, I would rather put it together myself.
Dont have a GitHub account, but there are a few solutions out there already. ... 4209&psc=1

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Re: New ESP32-WROVER Ethernet Board

Postby Stellargate » Sun Mar 31, 2019 12:15 am

I do see some features that could be added to the board that would make it better.
1. Good logic level converter, and this is not easy to do. When You start testing those available as modules it shows how poor they are, and the signaling is terrible when checked on scope.
ESP8266 is not officialy, but is for sure 5V tollerant, so You may connect whatever You want to the gpios and 5V is fine. ESP32 is not (or i do not know that it is 5v tollerant) So adding the level converter that could be adjusted to the voltage levels on HV(high voltage side) could make the board to use any signaling as input, , wiegand, RS232...

2.Good power module, that could accept voltages from 50 to 5 V
3. Full optoisolation of I/O
4. Build in Zwave (for examlpe, to easyly add it as extension for the smarthome)
5. Bistable relay (laching relay) one or two with position controll (for easy controling the external load without bothering about reboots or power problems. This type of relays is good when you need to permamently set some state.
6. gpio expander 8 or 16 bit - i know that esp32 has got many gpios, but when you start designing things you know that it is not so perfect and beautiful. Some gpios are bootstraping gpios that change state over reboots, some are needed for the SPI/I2c, some are output only...... so if you are not "IDF special forces developer" you are hitting the wall, where this type of i2c expander is saving Your life.

7. The most idiotic thing on esp32 is touch input. As far as i know there are 10 touch inputs, but as far as i know, every "pinpad" has got 0-9 and # *, so it's 12 ? so adding external keypad controller is also good idea., and it could wake up the esp when activated (i know that there is that option with lopower core on the esp, but as i said 10 buttons in not good for real keypad design)

8. adding bluetooth 5 module from nordic is also good idea, to have separate mcu for bluetooth5 with nfc capbility. ESP32 has got BLE/BT but when using arduino for example it's loading full stack to the memory, so building bigger project with wifi and bluetooth is not easy, i had to change partition scheme .......

9. NB-IOT module......

So this is just a short list of "build" options for the "new" board, that could sell the product.
Designing the stuff is not always going the cheap way, sometimes it needs looking forward, 2-4 years in "what will be used by the market"

When we were choosing ESP32 as our "product" MCU, there was no ESP32 yet. Espressif was sending emails that will send samples and so on, but that was just empty talk. We had to wait for official distribution, ESP32 is not perfect but i'm happy that i have chosen this MCU. After 3 or 4 years working with 8266 and 32 I know a bit about what i would buy and what is not availble on the market as "ready to go" solution.

And if You would make that device in DIN mount enclosure with those outputs inputs availble on connectors , many people would buy it, just like they buy Raspberry Pi in din mount option that costs 200EUR/piece, because it is ready to mount and certified.

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