devF: Interest in a developer flow chart code generator?

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rudi ;-)
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devF: Interest in a developer flow chart code generator?

Postby rudi ;-) » Sun Aug 21, 2016 1:37 am

Interest in a developer flow chart code generator ?

here comes the ESP32 "template" as a 'devF' Flowchart
premiere.png (14.35 KiB) Viewed 14703 times
this showcase thread 'devF' get update's step by step next times.

'devF' is a small application for creating program flowchart, source code generation, and compilation.
Its main goal is to be straightforward, educational tool for use during structural programming classes.

we design a flowchart in pure C/C++ or other Code Language ( we can create language definition files 'LDFX' )
and generate the code parallel for the ESP Serie ( ESP8285, ESP8266, ESP32 )

because we can generate x.LDFX Files for each language and each target, we can use devF also for example Desktop Apps.

'devF' is online - but just in time we prepaire all ( 'LDFX' and Translating ) for the young start on september.
after we get the WROOM-32 from espressif and test the 'debug' the things ( 'LDFX' ) goes online too.
the IDE itself is amazing, comes with SRC Code and is freeware since 10 years!
the right flowcharts style for shool and learning!

best wishes
rudi ;-)
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rudi ;-)
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Re: devF: Interest in a developer flow chart code generator?

Postby rudi ;-) » Sun Aug 21, 2016 4:25 pm


just in time prepaire "howTo" with step by step
this is a part of the "how to" to the esp-idf template project from the actually sdk.

left side the flowchart was designed,, and the code is generated from the flowchart.
this is only a small example from the devF capacity -
we can share the "code" with a XML file as a "SKETCH"
can import parts, export parts.
can create code templates and many other things.

here you see the final :
config & compile a esp-idf template for the esp32 release
devF : esp32 sdk ( 20. Aug 2016 ) template 'config & compile part'

just in time work on a "live debug" tool with breakpoints for it.
here you see a part of this in live debug ESP8266 with breakpoints

devF itself is on github, all other information goes online if we have an esp32 modul ( launcher board )
so pleased be still patient :) and in the meantime will work on this how to step by step.

how you can do this as finally:
and what you can do all..
17 devF ESP32 template project done.png
17 devF ESP32 template project done.png (59.2 KiB) Viewed 14683 times

..will post here step by step this weeks with updates now from scratch..
so if esp32 is on market the how to is done. at the end -
there are then all links and infos to the program and leader and other infos

stay tuned!

best wishes
rudi ;-)
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rudi ;-)
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Re: devF: Interest in a developer flow chart code generator?

Postby rudi ;-) » Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:26 pm

hi guys,

devF is now released in v 3.6.0
its freeware and comes with src code.
more infos on github
devF becomes a support site too next times

after we get some esp32 release modules -
we start here with step by step for people who are interested in this.
perhabs you have a try on this

best wishes
rudi ;-)

you can set colours like you want
aesdevF_demo.jpg (62.02 KiB) Viewed 14034 times
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Re: devF: Interest in a developer flow chart code generator?

Postby pyjhhh » Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:29 am

please tell us where to download the file

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rudi ;-)
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Re: devF: Interest in a developer flow chart code generator?

Postby rudi ;-) » Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:30 am

pyjhhh wrote:please tell us where to download the file
intro[1].png (14.95 KiB) Viewed 12364 times
devF version esp-idf
have added some things for esp now supports the espressif serie like esp8089, esp31, esp32, esp8285, esp8266.. and each Mikrocontroller and each Language! ( c, c++, java, pasacal,, ...) there is no limit in this. you can build for desktop too.

the base is devFlowcharter

Authors of devFlowcharter: ... er/AUTHORS
Project Owner:
  • Michal Domagala (
Lead Developer:
  • Michal Domagala
  • Marcin Wojdyla
  • Rudi Wagner (
  • David Fernando Suescun Ramirez (
  • Valery Kulikoff (
Special thanks to:
Jan Sztechman from Kielce University of Technology for general idea of application
Marc Andre Belanger for French translation
Louis Abraka for thorough testing

The Base is on Github:

devF is released in v 3.6.0
its freeware and comes with src code.
more infos on github
devF becomes a support site too next times

after we get some esp32 release modules -
we start here with step by step for people who are interested in this.
perhabs you have a try on this

the community forum for devF comes asap ( is still in work ) after we get the devF Modules
let me know, how you get on in this.
after chin. holiday there are here more infos available and the forum is then open for this
thank you

Last Release of devFlowcharter you download here ->

best wishes
rudi ;-)
love it, change it or leave it.

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