ESP32 using Arduino Environment using the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout

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ESP32 using Arduino Environment using the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout

Postby kbandi1 » Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:19 pm

Hi Folks,

I am having issues to retrieve the GPS data from Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout Board when interfaced with the ESP32 (Heltec Wifi kit series V2 --- Wifi Lora 32) using Arduino, it would be really great if any one can help me out.

1. Hardware Interface Connection: What are the mapping pins that needs to be connected between from the Adafruit to the ESP32 v2 board ? mainly for the GPS Tx , GPS-RX to which Serial Pins on the ESP32 ?
2. Have seen lot of posts that ESP32 doesn't support for the SoftwareSerial on the arduino. Many forums & online posts mentions about using the HardwarSerial for the ESP32. when using the HardwareSerial , for example on the Adafruit_GPS->GPS_HardwareSerial_Parsing example; the GPS output on the Arduino serial monitor is always zero (even with very good GPS reception -- opensky).

Can some help out.

Please find below links about the products mentioned above: ... -oled-0-96

Thanks a lot,

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