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My esp32 getting very hot and I can't upload the code anymore

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 12:45 pm
by Ahmed hani
I had a project controlling RGB strip 12v with my esp32 so I used 7805 to regulate the voltage to it and npn transistor 2n2222a to take 3.3 pwm and convert it into 12 pwm the circuit was running perfectly until I noticed that 7805 was getting very hot the the esp32 led brightness is getting lower and lower then the esp32 get also very hot so I plugged it out and try to use it by USB in my laptop but also getting hot and I can't upload the code anymore I measured the output of 3.3 regulator on esp it was 3.3v so what is the problem and how to solve it

Re: My esp32 getting very hot and I can't upload the code anymore

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 9:03 am
by ESP_Sprite
Sounds like something catastrophic happened (12V or 5V directly to the ESP32 GPIO pins, possibly via a transistor that has one pin accidentally disconnected or something?) and your ESP32 is fried.