ESP32 AT+CIPCLOSE hangs v2.2.0.0

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ESP32 AT+CIPCLOSE hangs v2.2.0.0

Postby leomecma » Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:18 am

I have compiled esp-at from branch master v2.2.0.0 and AT+CIPCLOSE hangs esp32 with backtrace bellow:

Backtrace:0x400D45F1:0x3FFBE3A0 0x4008289A:0x3FFBE3C0 0x401E2B78:0x3FFD82E0 0x400E6875:0x3FFD8300 0x4008F87E:0x3FFD8380

I have tried compile with silence mode ON/OFF.

Are there some work around? Could the bug fix be applied to master?



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