I recently got a new WROVER Dev board. I use one of the examples to get started with Eclipse on windows, following the online instructions. I did all steps as described, and I can build and flash the kit both on msys32 command line and Eclipse.
Problem starts with debugging. I Use the USB embedded debugger option. I Manage to connect on debugger over the command line and step/add breakpoint/ etc just fine, again as described on the online instructions (http://esp-idf.readthedocs.io/en/latest ... er-eclipse). When I try the same instructions for windows / Eclipse, I get an error immmidiatelly, that I can't tackle. In short the error is this:
Note that I am not an advanced user of Eclipse, and also not a great fan, but my first interest is the coding, and I want to get fast on the development of my firmware on ESP32. I dont wish to debug the tools to do that, I just want to use them.An internal error occurred during: "Launching i2s_debug".
Consider me a noob in terms of using OpenOCD and Eclipse, who faces them as toolsl made by someone who knows how they work.
I have attached feww screenshots of commandline success and Eclipse failure if it would help anyone.