binutils-esp32ulp mangles first and last instruction in macros

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binutils-esp32ulp mangles first and last instruction in macros

Postby feuerrot » Tue May 01, 2018 5:07 pm

Hi everyone,

I've got a problem with the binutils-esp32ulp and I'm not quite sure if Espressif observes that repository's open issues, so this is sort of a crosspost.
The problem is that JUMPS (and probably other JUMP*) doesn't work inside macros, because the instruction encoding is wrong and even completely unrelated instructions get mangled.
I don't know if there is an easy solution besides fixing the binary afterwards or adding support for macros to py-esp32-ulp - I need macros containing relative jumps for my project (so probably replacing macros with their corresponding code could be a ugly fix for the problem).


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