Upload mp3 file from an URL to the ESP32

Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:57 am

Upload mp3 file from an URL to the ESP32

Postby salomonreinach » Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:16 pm

Hi all !

I would like to read an URL with the esp32 and upload the audio file associate to this URL. This URL will be sent with BLE.

Do you know if it's possible and how I could do that ? The goal is to send this audio file to an SD card. I read about SPIFFS and esp_http_client but I'm not sure about how I could manage my problem with that.

If you have any ideas, I take them :)

Thank you for your time.

Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:57 am

Re: Upload mp3 file from an URL to the ESP32

Postby salomonreinach » Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:33 am

Do you think I could use the esp-adf ? Like in this example : https://github.com/espressif/esp-adf/bl ... _to_file.c ?


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